Starting again

ALAdams Posts: 13 Member
A few years ago i started working out and successfully list about 35 pounds. I developed sciatica problems that made my foot and leg go numb making it very difficult to workout. I got discuraged and dropped the workouts and diet. That lead to gaining all the weight back. The sciatica is doing better, although it is not "cured". I really need to get back to a healthier lifestyle. I could use modivational support and friends working at losing 50-75 pounds as i am.


  • mackenziefogelson
    mackenziefogelson Posts: 3 Member
    Just start small, any activity big or small is good, I always say if it is more then what you were doing then it ia exercise. Also get rid of processed snack foods and put fruit in a bowl on your counter. Also anything drink wise with calories, stick to plain ol' h2o. The pounds will fall off. Also lowering your carb intake will help rid some of the excess water. Good luck! I too have fluctuated. I want to drop off thw ten extra pounds i have in my buttox. Lol