Need to lose 200 pounds! Who else is terrified?



  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I lost 70lb once and made myself unwell on a crazy self inflicted salad diet but then gained it all back plus lots more. I eventually hit 300lb and the shock of that sent me to food addicts in recovery anonymouse where I lost 126lb in 9months but then life got on top of me and I quit. Fast forward 7 years and I hit 336lb. been yoyo dieting for last 26 years solid trying all sorts of things. I went back to food addicts in recovery anonymous 3 weeks ago and that has got me back on track. I don't know if I can stick with that group but I hope I can maintain some of the good habits they get me into when I work with them, it really works but requires a huge amount of surrender and commitment, more than I can imagine sustaining much longer.

    One thing that I have noticed over my decades of battle with food and weight is fiber is my best friend when it comes to beating the hunger and cravings. I know its a cliche but having a big salad with main meals really helps me. I am talking 170g plus of raw veg with lunch and dinner. Also at least same amount of cooked veg. Veg is low calorie and high fiber. A high fiber food plan really helps me remain more satisfied. I am getting 40g a day, build up slowly though if not used to so much or might get the runs. Also sticking to mostly whole foods and avoiding processed sugar and sweeteners really helps reduce cravings. Stay busy and avoid eating while watching TV ect.

  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you and I know exactly how you feel. I actually have a serious condition called intracranial hypertension, which basically just means my brain produces too much cerebral fluid, which causes severe headaches, dizzy spells and vision loss. Weight gain is usually what triggers it. I was diagnosed with it when I was 21. I managed to get through 11 years without a flare up and now I'm 32 at my highest weight and it has come back with a vengeance. If I don't lose weight I will have to take this AWFUL medication for the rest of my life. It's known for its horrible side effects. I'm on it right now and I can barely function. I'm just so fed up with my whole situation. I can never stay consistent for more then two weeks when it comes to weightloss. I'm so tired of failing all the time. We can't give up though. We just can't!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    There were some myfitnesspal groups that used to be helpful, maybe we could get them active again, groups tend to die out as members quit or succeed etc.There is also a longterm thread on this motivation and support section called Robins Thread, that is for people with a lot to lose.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    You're not alone, by far.

    I'm probably going to repeat a lot of what has already been said, but hey, another voice of experience and whatnot:
    I currently weigh 240 lbs below my highest. My weight loss was very not linear...I had some significant loss and regains in the past, for sure. If I had started out focusing on needing to lose 200+ lbs from the get-go, it would have been a near impossible task. You can easily break that goal down to smaller goals, because everything really does add up. Need to lose 200 lbs? The first 2 lb loss makes 1% of your goal! 10 lbs is a great milestone, and 5% of your goal. Are there numbers on the scale that have significance? Every time I hit a # below a 50 or a 00 mark, I celebrated the fact that I made it past the "ka-chunk" that the old school doctor's scales make as the 50 lb marker gets moved. Getting below 300? Victory dance! 200? WHAAAAAAAAAAT? Onederland! Pick some numbers that have significance to you, and celebrate those victories.

    Set up incentives and rewards. A mani-pedi? New clothes? New shoes? Some progress pics?

    Think of things to focus on other than the scale, too. What new things can your body do? What fitness event can you participate in? Your first 5K? (We do those each month as a family, and yes, I "only" walk, as my severe OA prevents me from running. Nothing wrong with walking---every little bit helps).

    Will you slip up? Uh, probably. You're human. I sure did. The important thing is to let a bad day be just that, a bad DAY. Try not to let it be a bad week, or a bad month. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and focus again on your health.

    It wouldn't hurt to visit your doctor. Look at your BP, your A1C, etc. Health is a big picture. Maybe your doctor will have a plan that helps you, or a nutritionist to refer you to, or a specialist. Is your thyroid in working order? It's worth making sure. Use any tool at your disposal...and by all means, USE MFP. LOG LOG LOG.

    You can do it. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can.