Need ideas to occupy myself when late night cravings come in

My biggest downfall is night time binge eating.
I can do awesome all day, but once the kids go to sleep and I have some me time - I head for the kitchen and within minutes I have eaten everything I can get my hands on and have over eaten to the point of sickness and guilt. its like I go into a trance and have no control over myself.

I need some ideas of what to do when these feelings start. I cannot leave the house because my kids are sleeping. so what can I do to take my mind off the delicious processed carbs that are calling my name?


  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    Make fruit popsicles or home made fruit roll ups. Healthy way to feel like your cheating.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Hot tea
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Maybe you are not eating enough during the day. If you are just mindlessly eating maybe find something else to do at night. If you just want to chew something try gum or a sugar free mint. Try planing a late night snack into your daily food.
    I make sure I leave calories in my day for a snack. I also log those calories before the night so I know exactly what I am going to eat or how many calories I have. This helps me feel like I am "cheating" when I really am not. Once my snacks are done, then I am done.
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    Ideas: go for a walk, try an exercise video (youtube), do something that keeps your hands busy like crafts or play an instrument, phone a friend/family member, clean something.

    You may also want to start journaling after these binges about how you feel and why you are doing this. It might help you become more mindful to prevent slip ups and/or discover the root cause.
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member
    I try to have a large cup of water or tea to see if that helps. If I really need a snack I try to have some fruit, some popcorn or some cheese.

    I also think it's important to DO something. If I do something, I don't want to "waste" those calories burned by eating them.

    If you can't leave the house, perhaps go on youtube and either do an exercise program or a yoga video. There are great yoga ones that are only 30 minutes long and they will be quiet enough not to wake the kids and will keep your mind focused and clear so that you won't want something afterwards.

    Good luck!
  • kas1317
    kas1317 Posts: 67 Member
    I have this trouble too. Except mine happens when I just get home from work and I am the only one home. I raid the cabinets. The other day, I literally ate 4 pieces of white bread, plain. I don't know why.... at night after dinner, I discovered the hot drink too. It is very filling and takes a long time to drink. I am usually pretty full afterwards. Even hot chocolate would work. More calories than tea but gives you that chocolate and hot drink at the same time!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    Other than distraction with hobbies etc., why not go to bed earlier and get up earlier? I find I want to eat after 9PM, even if I've had a good dinner around 4. So I go to bed at 9 and get up at 5AM. I don't usually feel a need to eat in the morning. It's been one of the better things I've done for myself. I get so much more accomplished and I don't sit and do mindless stuff in the evenings any more. I have dinner, a shower, and maybe a couple chores. 30 minutes to an hour of TV and it's bedtime.
  • haroldrios1692
    haroldrios1692 Posts: 90 Member
    Here's what you do, plan out your meals and calories for the day and save some of your favorite meals for night time and replace the binge foods with these. When I first started dieting I had this problem of filling that late night void. It gets easier as time goes on, discipline takes time to build but it can be done.
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    Ejcejcejc wrote: »
    Go to sleep. Who doesn't need more sleep?

    if I go to bed right after the kids, I feel like I have literally no time to myself and then I am even more miserable. I need at least 1.5 hours to myself after kids are sleeping lol
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    You might not be eating a substantial well rounded dinner to keep you full. I usually sip on a nice hot cup of tea and read a magazine or watch a show. Maybe you might want to exercise at that time since the kids are down even if it's just an extra session of stretching and floor exercises to get you into the relaxed mode. I've also heard brushing your teeth helps. I used to have a fiber bar. It only has 90 calories but I've learned it is truly mind over matter and am trying to limit my carbs. Now that some time has gone by, I am no longer having the evening cravings.
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    I do not believe I am hungry when I do this.

    I feel like I am unsatisfied with what I did eat during the day and so I overfill myself with my favorites (cereal, bagels, chips, etc)

    I feel like even though I have a great dinner, something I really enjoy - a few hours later I am unsatisfied again and everything goes to hell.
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Have you ever tried knitting or crochet? I find that keeping my hands busy really helps with my hand-to-mouth fixation (I used to be a smoker too) :)
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    I do not believe I am hungry when I do this.

    I feel like I am unsatisfied with what I did eat during the day and so I overfill myself with my favorites (cereal, bagels, chips, etc)

    I feel like even though I have a great dinner, something I really enjoy - a few hours later I am unsatisfied again and everything goes to hell.

    Get involved in something to keep your mind off of it! Hydrate & maybe leave yourself post it notes or pictures hanging where you would run to. In the cubbard, pantry etc. saying something like....Do I really need that, Nope - don't do it, Get busy. You are in control of you. You can do it. I used to post a motivational picture of this ripped chick as inspiration. Maybe just tell yourself that as much as you want these carb'ish items, I am going to grab something healthy instead or have the willpower to walk away. Try it. Good luck,
  • SSpeakes
    SSpeakes Posts: 95 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    edited July 2017
    Ejcejcejc wrote: »
    Go to sleep. Who doesn't need more sleep?

    if I go to bed right after the kids, I feel like I have literally no time to myself and then I am even more miserable. I need at least 1.5 hours to myself after kids are sleeping lol

    But you can get up much earlier.

    If you aren't getting sufficient sleep, that affects your desire for carb-y things, too.

    I mean, you have a bad habit. You have a lot of excuses as to why you can't break the bad habit. It could be as simple as getting more sleep. I eat poorly when I am sleep deprived, and it only takes a couple days for me to notice my food choices changing if I don't sleep enough.

    I do not believe I am hungry when I do this.

    I feel like I am unsatisfied with what I did eat during the day and so I overfill myself with my favorites (cereal, bagels, chips, etc)

    I feel like even though I have a great dinner, something I really enjoy - a few hours later I am unsatisfied again and everything goes to hell.

    Says to me that you are 1. under eating or 2. sleep.

    It makes sense to be hungry a few hours after dinner. Push dinner later or go to bed earlier.
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    Ejcejcejc wrote: »
    Go to sleep. Who doesn't need more sleep?

    if I go to bed right after the kids, I feel like I have literally no time to myself and then I am even more miserable. I need at least 1.5 hours to myself after kids are sleeping lol

    But you can get up much earlier.

    If you aren't getting sufficient sleep, that affects your desire for carb-y things, too.

    I mean, you have a bad habit. You have a lot of excuses as to why you can't break the bad habit. It could be as simple as getting more sleep. I eat poorly when I am sleep deprived, and it only takes a couple days for me to notice my food choices changing if I don't sleep enough.

    I do not believe I am hungry when I do this.

    I feel like I am unsatisfied with what I did eat during the day and so I overfill myself with my favorites (cereal, bagels, chips, etc)

    I feel like even though I have a great dinner, something I really enjoy - a few hours later I am unsatisfied again and everything goes to hell.

    Says to me that you are 1. under eating or 2. sleep.

    It makes sense to be hungry a few hours after dinner. Push dinner later or go to bed earlier.

    I average 8 hours a night so I do not think it is sleep related.

    I think you are right in saying they are just bad habits - therefor trying to switch them with good habits/hobbies. I do not want to get in the routine of just going to bed because I feel like eating.