
So I have a performance in about 2 weeks and I really want to lose at least 10 pounds I want to try just vegetables and fruit for a week has anyone tried it and if so how much did you lose and also what else are some ways because when I suck my stomach in it looks really good but it's just a pouch and it's made me insecure and I don't want to preform if it's possibly still there atleast to make my stomach flat not round would be fine what did you do to get rid of your stomach ???? HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    not happening.... you need fat and protein in your diet... just eating fruit and veg will likely lead you to crash and burn before your performance.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The realistic possibility of losing 10 lb of fat in 2 weeks is nil. You can attempt to purge your waste, deplete your glycogen, and dehydrate your body. I doubt you'd be in any condition to perform after all that, though.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    Not happening and you will do harm than good trying. If you really want a flat stomach, run a modest calorie deficit and do some strength training.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    So I have a performance in about 2 weeks and I really want to lose at least 10 pounds I want to try just vegetables and fruit for a week has anyone tried it and if so how much did you lose and also what else are some ways because when I suck my stomach in it looks really good but it's just a pouch and it's made me insecure and I don't want to preform if it's possibly still there atleast to make my stomach flat not round would be fine what did you do to get rid of your stomach ???? HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED

    Ignore the people who are negative. Though I do agree with them in this regard: Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is an unrealistic expectation.

    But a smaller goal--say, 5 pounds--is a lot more reasonable.

    I'd also suggest you don't limit your foods to just vegetables and fruit. Eat some lean meats too!

    Personal recommendation (some may disagree, but for what it's worth): What I think might work for you is a paleo-style diet with a calorie goal. That and exercise--daily.

    Above all: Be satisfied with any progress you make, even if it's not 10 pounds.
  • Waterdownlilly
    Waterdownlilly Posts: 3 Member
    Okay so I've tried dieting before and I lose around 4 pounds and I mean completely healthy and I'm not stupid I would never put my body in harms way ate around 3,500 calories and worked out for around 4 hours a week and I lost that 4 pounds in a week
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Don't know what you weigh now or what you're performing, but might wanna mix some protein in the mix via real food or supplements. You can probably come close, but it'll be mostly water.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,689 Member
    You might do better with a low carb high protein/fat diet. (i.e. Atkins). That usually causes a dramatic water weight loss. The first time I did Atkins I lost 14 pounds in the first two weeks. The second time only 5. But still, it was easy to do and the quick results were very motivating. Sticking to it long term is harder, and if you don't, chances are the weight will come back quickly, but it would get you to your event fairly healthy without starving yourself. It's basically just meat, eggs, cheese and vegetables for the first two weeks. I also find that when I don't eat carbs, my stomach doesn't bloat. OTOH, I can't sustain a low carb lifestyle for long. I miss fruit and bread too much.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If you're worried about what your stomach looks like, can you wear a good pair of spanx? (don't know what you're performing in, so it might not be possible)

    The people watching you aren't going to know or care how much you weigh. They will care if your performance is lacklustre due to being depleted and malnourished for a couple of weeks. Eat sensibly to fuel your body and feel good, do some exercise, and enjoy your performance!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You're not going to lose ten pounds of fat in two weeks. There's a good chance that whatever fat you do lose won't be from your stomach. What kind of performance is this anyway?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Just switching to vegetables won't cause you to lose weight. You have to eat fewer calories than you burn, but you can do it with your regular food.
  • ayuri17
    ayuri17 Posts: 21 Member
    As others have said, that is not a realistic goal. If you are concerned about your performance, just wear shapewear.
  • Waterdownlilly
    Waterdownlilly Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks we'll see how much I weigh in 2 weeks not being silly thanks y'all