Hello. New here.

So ive used myfitnesspal off and on for a while now. My doctor even recommended it after my son was born to help lose the extra weight i gained. I have lost the 40ish pounds but its taken me 14 months. I think most of it was just depression. Never hungrt. I forget to eat. Somedays i just feel so bad about myself that i dont want to eat BUT ive started on antidepressants which also seem to contribute to the weight loss. I still want to lose another 50 pounds or so but i want to do it the right way.
My appetite has not increased since starting meds but i have more energy. Finally started working out again. I try to to cook healthy but my husband and 10 yr old would prefer a big juicy steak with a loaded baked potAto etc. It gets exhausting cooking a regular meal for him and kids and something healthier for me (the porkchops with mushroom/asparagus quinoa did not go ever well even though it was delicious) so basically i have no support at home so im hoping to find some support here. Like how do tou guys manage to eat healthy when your family doesnt want to? How do i increase my appetite so im getting enough and not atarving my body. I can cook a whole meal, take 3 or 4 bites and be done. Thats basically every meal everyday. I dont graze throughout the day i dont "sample" while im cooking. Sometimes the thought of food (mostly meat) makes me feel sick so by the time im done cooking im to nauseous to eat.

Any tips and any support is greatly appreciated. Its a hard road to walk alone and im tired pf giving up before i reach my goals...

All that said, i look forward to being an active member of this online community.


  • jjmariposa
    jjmariposa Posts: 9 Member
    Portion size helps me (have a steak but make it a small one) and some substitutions here and there. Also I look at seasonings and flavor.