Goal for deadlifts and squats



  • Raegold
    Raegold Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for the concern... The injury happened almost 5 years ago. i've since had another baby 18 months ago (c-section), had a 3 finger diastasis recti, which is now 'resolved' at 1 finger. I haven't seen a MD about it for about 4 years. He wasn't super helpful, he basically said "sucks to be a woman bc your ligaments get loose when pregnant, and don't always go back to normal"... cool. I have been seeing PTs on and off the whole time, mostly perinatal or women's health specialists. I was basically cleared to do whatever I want, just warned against anything that puts too much strain on the SI joint, like plyos are out, no running, and certain movements that might torque the joint, like pigeon pose in yoga.

    I feel pretty good about the weight lifting I've been doing. But I'm definitely glad to know to drop the curtsy squat from my routine, and the sumo is better for DL than squat, which I didn't know.

    Thanks for all of the help!!
  • Raegold
    Raegold Posts: 191 Member
    Right now, I'm really focusing on glute engagement during these exercises, because my left glute tends to just not fire, or takes a LOT of focus and attention to get it to fire. I've been watching and reading a lot of Bret Contreras stuff, and doing glute engagement work before my lifting.
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