My own experience and how I gained weight

I was like any of you guys here struggling to put on weight I am 160cm and used to be 46Kg's now 160cm and 52kg's and I have put on healthy weight I'll place it all in points:
1- It's food and mood together, one doesn't stand alone if you are eating but in a bad psychological status that's bad and if you are eating in a non healthy manner even if you r in a good mood that's bad also so you need to have both in hand.

2- Each person has his own structure and each one is special it's wrong to go around google looking up what worked for that person and try it on yourself doesn't work trust me you should experiment by yourself on yourself only then you'll know.

3- PATIENCE, it was the most difficult part cos we all want immediate results and that's impossible the minimum is 2 weeks to start seeing results for some people it's even longer so be patient.
4- So here comes the real deal, we don't eat enough even if we believe we are, we actually aren't if you try keeping a record of what you ate for the whole day you will say Oh I ate a whole pizza today it sounds big yeah but looking at the reality that's hardly anything of the total daily intake.

5- Once you decide to start gaining weight you need to be dedicated you need to know it's not an easy task our stomaches are small it's our body habits it's like that our stomach position and size physiologically mimics our outer structure of being relatively slim and that's true cos we hardly put anything in them and once you start stuffing it, it'll react badly you'll feel nausea, you may vomit, you'll feel pain, gas, flatulence, sickness constipation, diarrhea, and the list goes on. It's normal you have shocked your stomach and it reacted badly so you should know very well how to deal with your body without abusing it.

6- So we are dedicated and we know what we are doing now the plan starts, first thing you'll do is increase your food intake a little only again I'll say it a LITTLE ONLY I will give you a good example if you were hardly eating half a bowl of cereal try eating 3/4 a bowl it's not much of a difference you won't feel it much but it remains a change. then do whatever you do in your life and after 3 hours have a high calorie drink you have many options my favorite one is Nesquik hot chocolate it's easy to fix, tastes nice, can be fixed hot or cold, so this is how I prepare it I take one large mug fill 1/2-3/4 of it with hot water and in that water I put 1.5 large spoons of nesquik powder and 1 small spoon of sugar and I drink it, it's stuffed with calories in just one cup.

7- Now comes lunch, here literally you have absolute right to eat absolutely anything you want at any amount you want no restrictions what so ever under one condition that you have at least accomplished 700 calories in that lunch so 700 or more and choices with high caloric intake include
1-baschamel pasta with cheese
2- fettuccine Alfredo pasta
3- Penne arabiata with olive oil and tuna on side
4- grilled chicken or steak with vegetables and gravy
It's a long list of choices but these are my favorite I feel full after eating them and I'm certain I achieved the calories I need

8- after 3 other hours it's time for the second snack try to keep it simple and easy to eat an example is a peanut butter sandwich for any human that wants to gain weight and doesn't have any allergic reaction to peanuts must eat it in the process of gaining weight, you better choose the one that's no sugar added but it's ok with both and if you're a peanut butter lover like me eat it directly from the jar.

9- then it's time for dinner, since I decided to gain weight and not hurt my digestive system I had to come up with healthy options yet fulfilling my target of gaining weight and I have found the best option to easily and easily and easily gain weight without even thinking about it is mashed potatoes with butter and full cream milk it's amazing how a simple meal like this is so healthy but satisfying in terms of calories. How I make it is I boil potatoes (define the amount you are capable of eating even one potato is enough as a start if you feel like you can't eat much) mash it, then put at eats for one peace of potato 1 small spoon of full fat butter a pinch of salt and one large spoon of full fat milk, that only will keep you full till the next day, it's extremely easy for your digestive system to digest it cos it's mashed and it's tasty.

10- stay on this routine for at least a week adding day by day to the quantity of the portions you eat and you can throw in between a cereal bar or a small bag of chips or a small peace of chocolate you can eat absolutely anything without hurting yourself and without compromising you're 3 main meals.

11- It's advisable before trying to gain weight on your own is to try to see at least a GP ( if possible) and just have the basic blood works done like iron, vit D, ......etc. cos a deficiency in one of these can cause the body not to gain weight correctly.

12 These are the basic things I started with I'll write about exercising later cos when you are trying to gain weight you don't start with exercising once you have realized from the scale that your weight is increasing and the numbers are going up you start to exercise cos then will come the part distributing that weight nicely through exercise