Has anyone ever lost a significant amout of weight (150-170+ lbs.) and had little to no excess skin



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm going to be honest, by rights I should have genetics on my side as I have an actual genetic condition that includes super stretchy skin. But after losing 135lb I have loose skin, but there again it is slowly diminishing, I've been told I need to be patient and wait at least 2 years for it to shrink back. In the meantime I strength train in the hope of filling the skin with a little muscle as the fat goes, drink plenty of water and regularly exfoliate and moisturise the problem areas. Plus I try and embrace my new body, loose skin and all, it may not look the best best it's a lot better than the fat that was there before.

    As you can see there is a significant amount on my upper arms, and the worst thing is the way it rubs. Have to say that photo was a month or so back and there is a lot less loose skin today.

  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    evineula wrote: »
    I'm 23 years old, 6'2 male and currently looking to lose 160-170 lbs. my stress is kicking up a bit because of the thought of me having to deal with loose skin post-weight loss life.

    My current diet pretty much looks like this:

    7:00am - 210 Calorie Protein Shake
    1:00pm - Boiled Chicken Breast w/mixed veggies
    4:00pm - Boiled Chicken Breast w/ a slice of 100% natures own whole wheat bread
    7:00pm - 1 TBSP of no fat peanut butter spread on 2 slices of natures own 100% whole wheat bread
    9:00pm - 210 Calorie protein shake

    My calories usually come out to like 1,100 - 1,300 calories a day and i drink nothing but Water. at least a gallon a day.

    and on top of that, i do 60-90 minute intense weightlifting workout session 4 days a week with my body dripping in success with every workout. i also take Collagen & Fish oil supplements. i weigh approx. 368 right now and looking to get down between 195-200.

    I've also been obese for a good part of my 23 years on this earth, and currently looking to change that.

    so my question to you guys is Am I doing enough to prevent excess skin? is there anything else i CAN do? and am i looking at a substantial amount of loose skin when i get to my weight goal?

    Thanks in advance :)

    Oh and you definitely should be eating more. I started 289.5lb and have lost the 135lb over 20 months eating an average of 2000 Calories a day and sometimes up to 3500. You should be aiming for around 2lb a week loss right now so probably around 3000 Calories with plenty of protein to preserve muscle.

  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    tru_paw wrote: »
    Grab a powdered collagen supplement from your health store and add it to your smoothies - I pay around $20 and it lasts me over a month.

    I never thought of collagen supplements. I'm a weirdo that does NOT like smoothies. Do you know if they come in pill form? Could you suggest a 'good' one that won't cost an arm, leg, and first born? Lol. Thanks!

    I add mine to my cup of coffee. It's tasteless, i don't even notice it's in there.

    I'm not in the U.S, the only brand i know from there is Great Lakes, but I'm sure there are many other brands.

    Vital protein makes a great one. I get mine on amazon.
    As the person a few posts above said, loose skin is mostly genetic and not how fast or slow you lose it, so there's no reason to worry about it.
    As of far as eating more...i totally get why your calories are so low...you're motivated to lose and you want to get it OFF. I wouldn't want to set my goal to 1 lb a week either.
    You're not going to die eating that low, as someone implied, but you won't gain a lot (or any) muscle either. As you start to lose, you may want to increase your calories more so you can also gain muscle, which will help you look better and burn more fat.
    Also, 70% of the recommended MINIMUM vitamins is not enough. Take more, and ask your doc for a blood test.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited July 2017
    tru_paw wrote: »
    Grab a powdered collagen supplement from your health store and add it to your smoothies - I pay around $20 and it lasts me over a month.

    I never thought of collagen supplements. I'm a weirdo that does NOT like smoothies. Do you know if they come in pill form? Could you suggest a 'good' one that won't cost an arm, leg, and first born? Lol. Thanks!

    I add mine to my cup of coffee. It's tasteless, i don't even notice it's in there.

    I'm not in the U.S, the only brand i know from there is Great Lakes, but I'm sure there are many other brands.

    Vital protein makes a great one. I get mine on amazon.
    As the person a few posts above said, loose skin is mostly genetic and not how fast or slow you lose it, so there's no reason to worry about it.
    As of far as eating more...i totally get why your calories are so low...you're motivated to lose and you want to get it OFF. I wouldn't want to set my goal to 1 lb a week either.
    You're not going to die eating that low, as someone implied, but you won't gain a lot (or any) muscle either. As you start to lose, you may want to increase your calories more so you can also gain muscle, which will help you look better and burn more fat.
    Also, 70% of the recommended MINIMUM vitamins is not enough. Take more, and ask your doc for a blood test.

    Dont listen to her. I get her intentions are nice but misinformed. 1100 is low enough to malnourish men much smaller thn you. 1500 is the MINIMUM for a reason. Amd thats for smaller men who sit in bed all day. Your also not going to build muscle eating in a deficit, But you can do our best to maintain as much as possible, And having carried around all that weight you likely have alot of muscle your not even aware of, Another reason you should be eating more. Even if say you were able to keep up that low calorie (you wont youll crash and binge and likely regain anything you did lose your body simply wont let you starve that long) Even if you feel fine, Second you dont feel fine it will come on hard and fast and uncontrollable. Eat more, Youll still lose fast but be able to upkeep it happier and longer = more loss and longterm loss + healthier you + minimize muscle loss = sexier you + more calories to eat once your done losing.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    I'm going to be honest, by rights I should have genetics on my side as I have an actual genetic condition that includes super stretchy skin. But after losing 135lb I have loose skin, but there again it is slowly diminishing, I've been told I need to be patient and wait at least 2 years for it to shrink back. In the meantime I strength train in the hope of filling the skin with a little muscle as the fat goes, drink plenty of water and regularly exfoliate and moisturise the problem areas. Plus I try and embrace my new body, loose skin and all, it may not look the best best it's a lot better than the fat that was there before.

    As you can see there is a significant amount on my upper arms, and the worst thing is the way it rubs. Have to say that photo was a month or so back and there is a lot less loose skin today.


    2 years didn't change anything to mine. It's beyond repair at this point. Also building muscle is nice and all but we all know that muscle is denser than fat, so there's no way it will fill up all that space anyway (unless you're a man I guess and can get really big muscles... if you're willing to put that amount of effort in, lol)/

    It's always better than the fat, but it can be extremely discouraging as well.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    yeah when i bend over and my body tries desperatly to touch the floor its pretty depressing. BUT no one has to see the majority of my loose skin unless i allow them to, Everyone could see my fat. Im healthy and slim and can rock pretty much any clothes now, Crop tops and short shorts and all. Who cares about stretch marks and loose skin, No one will ever care about your loose skin as much as you do. I try to find it funny, A bit of a battle scar. The badge of honor bs doesnt work with me but technically thats exactly what it is, A reminder of where youve been and all youve done to come out on top and win. Even if it doesn't shrink up you become more okay with it every day that passes and it should never be your reason to not lose weight
  • ezekielsherrard205735
    ezekielsherrard205735 Posts: 42 Member
    Skin sagging almost inevitably occurs when you lose a large amount of weight quickly :(t626tt432gd23.jpg
  • bigjonb4116
    bigjonb4116 Posts: 154 Member
    i have been losing weight for about 18months now and have lost 10st, but still have another 10st to go, i drink loads of water which helps to keep you hydrated, and losing the weight a couple of pounds a week , helps. my sister had a gastric bypass, a lost it quickly but has quite a bit of loose skin now. i'm 50 though and have been 'obese'( oh how i hate that word, i prefer Fat i think) all my life. so i expect to have some, i currently have arms like a flying squirrel !!! but have started lifting weights now to try to fill the skin out a bit.
    i Hear compression clothing is good at disguising it....
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    Everyone could see my fat. Im healthy and slim and can rock pretty much any clothes now, Crop tops and short shorts and all. Who cares about stretch marks and loose skin, No one will ever care about your loose skin as much as you do.

    Pretty much this really. I wear a muscle vest over my crop top but that really doesn't cover much more and I've worn bootie shorts most of the summer so far. I'm my biggest critic though and it's taken me a while to realise that people weren't just being nice when they compliment me on how I look now.
  • yung_baller_86
    yung_baller_86 Posts: 25 Member
    tru_paw wrote: »
    Grab a powdered collagen supplement from your health store and add it to your smoothies - I pay around $20 and it lasts me over a month.

    I never thought of collagen supplements. I'm a weirdo that does NOT like smoothies. Do you know if they come in pill form? Could you suggest a 'good' one that won't cost an arm, leg, and first born? Lol. Thanks!

    The one I use is called Enhanced Collagen by Organika... it costs around $19 (in Canada) and it lasts me around 2 months with just a tablespoon in my morning smoothie. You could just dissolve it in water though, or maybe coffee???

    Sorry about the late reply, I need to turn my notifications on!
  • dalem14
    dalem14 Posts: 18 Member
    I have lost 188# so far and have loose skin but I will take that over the fat anytime.