Two questions about cheat meal and cooking ingredients! help!

Okay so i have two questions i really want the answers to and i figured i'll just kill two birds with one stone and put em both in here.
First question is when is the best time to eat a cheat meal? Before a workout so i can sweat it off or i was thinking maybe after a workout so my body is starving for some food and all worked up, maybe it would burn the food off faster?

Second question is; when cooking, how do you log those calories. I made a stir fry tonight and used half a cup of low sodium soy sauce for the whole meal which ill eat over the next few nights. i wouldnt think i should log a whole half a cup each time i have a small portion, so basically the question is how do you log calories like that when you cook a whole meal with a certain amount but just eat a small part?

Thankssss everyone!


  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I don't know what a cheat meal really means to you. I have a re-feed day with higher carbs/calories on Saturday because it makes it easier for me to adhere to my diet, and I do train heavy on that day.

    Use the recipe builder. You weigh the whole of what you cooked, then select your serving size in weight. Log what you eat. Divide the soy sauce across how many servings you created. Or something like that
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    You should consider ditching the cheat meal attitude . The nice thing about calorie counting is you can eat what you want as part of a healthy food plan and if you know you are going to have a higher calorie day you exercise more.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited July 2017
    I wouldn't worry about when to eat your larger meal (sorry, I don't use "cheat" language because it sounds judgy). Think more about weekly goals rather than daily that way you can "bank" or "save" a few extra calories on one day and "spend" them on another, or "save" a few extra calories from one extra-good workout and "spend" it without guilt or self judgement later that day or later that week.

    And yes on the recipe builder suggestion. Measure the ingredients into your recipe and weigh the final product. So that I don't get hung up on the "how many servings?" question in the recipe builder, I always weigh my final concoction in grams and then divide the total weight by 100 so that every serving is 100 grams. When it comes to actually eating it, I may serve myself 331 grams of stir fry it casserole, but then I just log 3.31 servings since I know every serving in my recipe builder is calculated for 100 grams.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    When food is in the stomach the body is working to digest it. If you then try to exercise you may be putting demands on your body that make it difficult to do both things well. Some folks have told of vomiting their food due to their strenuous workout. I think the suggestion that I've read is that you wait 30 minutes after eating before beginning your exercise.
  • briana_aka_bunny
    briana_aka_bunny Posts: 21 Member
    The meal part i add all ingrediants for the whole meal then divide by how many servings in breaking it down to