Friends... these days it's tricky



  • Sivadee00
    Sivadee00 Posts: 428 Member
    edited July 2017
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    They generally have all sorts if groups. Movie lovers, trivia nights, fitness groups, etc.
    Or just go places you enjoy and converse with others there

    I was going to recommend them too. is a great place to start making friends with like interests. Just note that sometimes there are people who show up to try to sell you stuff. It happened to me twice. Lol.

    I went to a drumming group and some guy wanted to sell me a new small exercise ball. He had several of them stuffed in his van. A year later I joined a different group, for book enthusiasts, and it was a bait. I showed up (along with other people) and the group leaders went into a sales pitch about the magic green veggie drink powder they made in their backyard! Haha. The world is full of interesting people.
  • captainfantastic94
    captainfantastic94 Posts: 1,745 Member
    dc8066 wrote: »
    dc8066 wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    All my friends enjoy Star Wars. Did you know the scene from The Empire Strikes Back, in which Vader tells Luke that he is his father, is probably one of the greatest and most famous movie scenes in history. The reasons why this scene is so great are many and obvious. Probably the most important reason is that of surprise. Nobody ever would have predicted that Luke could have come from Vader. This is especially true after Ben tells Luke that Vader betrayed and murdered his father.

    The original Star Wars trilogy has many instances in which certain events are not expected by the first-time viewer (such as the destruction of Alderaan, Ben's death, Lando's betrayal, etc.). Part of George Lucas' genius in telling the original Star Wars story was his ability to surprise the audience.

    Had the original Star Wars trilogy come out today, I do not think it would have done nearly as well as it did in the late '70's and early '80's. Why is this? Because of the rampant spoilers on the Internet. Even if meeseeksanddestroy is a thespian really tried, it would be impossible for Lucas to surprise the audience nowadays.

    This rabid impatience of the fans to know everything about the story before seeing the movie has brought down the overall initial perception of the prequels, in m opinion.

    Writing this essay, five days before Attack of the Clones is released, I know practically nothing about the Episode II story line. I have heard of the words Dooku and Jango, but I have no idea who or what they are. It has by no means been easy for me to avoid all of the spoilers for these three years.

    Being an avid Star Wars fan, I frequent web sites like, TheForce.Net, and JediNet.Com. But the closer it came to May 16, 2002, the harder and harder it has become not to accidentally see something compromising of the story.

    In the past several months I've hardly been to the official site at all, and there are large sections of the various fan sites that I have to avoid. However it will have been well worth it for me on the sixteenth when I see the story unfold over the course of the movie's two hour fourteen minute length. This is as opposed to seeing it unfold over the course of three years' worth of spoilers.

    To get right down to the point, I think that the movies and the fan community as a whole are diminished in the long run by the ceaseless spoilers. While not always easy, waiting out the time between movies will greatly enhance the actual event for which we all are waiting. I know it will for me.

    Ummmm? Wth?

    It's a story about Meeseeksanddestroy

    I thought meeseeksanddestroy was about blue golfers

    If you look close enough and at a right angle, meseeksanddestroy is in everything

  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    Perhaps taking a couples dance class.
    It's tricky.