Captain's Log July 2-8, 2010

keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
My exercise totals for the past week. Does anyone else track this kind of stuff? I would like to see what levels we all work at and the results. Yes I am a nerd!

AM: 6.2 miles Elliptical
PM: 2 miles uphill walking, 2 miles walking

AM: 6.1 Miles Elliptical
PM: 1.5 Miles Walking

AM: 5 miles Elliptical
PM: 4 miles Elliptical, 0.5 miles walking,1.5 miles running

AM: 8 Miles elliptical
PM: 3 Miles walking

AM: 2 Miles running, 1 Mile Walking
PM: 4 Miles Elliptical

AM: 1.5 Miles Walking, 1 mile walking Uphill
PM: 8 Miles Elliptical

AM: 4 Miles Elliptical
Lunch: 3 Miles walking/running high incline treadmill
PM: 1 Mile Walking, 1 mile walking Uphill

First non cardio workout in years!
Situps 25
Bench Press 15 @90lbs
Curls 20 @30lbs
Butterfly 15 @50lbs
Tricep Pull Down 20@80lbs
Shoulder Shrug 15 @30 lbs

Total Exercise Calories for week =8568
Total Calorie Deficit for week: 10592
Expected Weight Loss 3.02 lbs


hopefully this is sized better.


  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Great Excel work, just copying your idea, Launching Excel right now :wink:
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    PM me your email and ill send it.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    Wow...that is pretty intricate! I do log my workouts, but alas, only on a measly journal and with a pen...LOL I am thinking about upping my calories though. Am I seeing right, you are on a 1300 calorie day? I am on a 1200 but am thinking to up it to 1400...Here's a quick breakdown of my workouts this past 2 weeks (not as nice as your layout though)! :wink:

    June 22: 52 min. of running
    June 25: 63 min of running Dumbbell swings & push ups 21-15-9
    June 27: 35 min. of running
    June 28: 85 min of running
    June 29: 58 min of cardio Abs/dips
    June 30: 112 min of running
    July 2: 60 min of running Sit ups & Squats 100 each
    July 3: 32 min of running
    July 4: 48 min of running Dips & Thrusters 50 each
    July 5: 39 min of running
    July 6: 75 min of running Sumo Deadlift High Pulls & push ups 50 each
    July 7: 42 min of running Abs
    July 8: 52 min of running Bench press & deadlifts w/oly bar 30 each

    Haven't worked out today yet, but I feel those deadlifts in my hammies! :happy:

    Have a great day and thanks for sharing your workout!

  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I LOVE EXCEL (that is the numbers nerd in me)! Are you finding your projected losses and real losses to be close?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I bet you do feel those lifts. I am not that advanced yet. I am going into the lifting slow and easy because I am old and don't want to get hurt!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    It is pretty close Amanda. I am losing a bit more than it calculates. On average I have calculated 2.8 lbs and actually lost 3.3 a week for 15 weeks.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    PM me your email and ill send it.

    Keith, would you mind if I PMd you for that as well. And I would love to know the answer to Amanda's question as well.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    I bet you do feel those lifts. I am not that advanced yet. I am going into the lifting slow and easy because I am old and don't want to get hurt!

    I'm only lifiting 45lbs, but you can start slow by using 15 or 10lb dumb bells. Even if that feels too hard, use PVC piping or a broomstick. There's so many ways to make ANY workout doable for whatever your fitness level is. Then you just slowly work your way up from there! Good luck on your weight loss journey!

    P.S Guys suck cause they lose weight SOOOOO much faster than women! LOL

  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    My wife has lost the same percentage as me in the same amount of time. I just had more to lose. Me: 228-178= 21% Her: 150-120=20% She is now way into normal BMI. I have a ways to go!
    I can work with a bit more weight than you. I'M male, grew up on a farm, was a mechanic for 15+ years on subs and working on factory robots, and at one time was a good athlete (4:30 mile runner).

    Now im old, work at a desk, am a fair to poor athelete (6:52 is my best mile this year).

    I'll send it to anyone who asks.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    i'll be doing this from now on! I'm a number nerd but I use pen & paper! great idea thanks
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm currently following a 20-week hybrid program, and I have the schedule typed out sitting in my workout area. Once the workout is complete, I scratch through that day's workout with my big red pen. I like seeing all the red marks for some silly reason.

    I get a 60-90 minute dog walk in every day (rain or shine--the boys need their exercise, too!) and strength train for 45 minues, 3 days/week, and do cardio abs for 40/20 minutes, 3 days/week. I also do some extra stretching several times per week as well.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I just noticed I was typing in the wrong month for my spreadsheet . . .lol!
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    My wife has lost the same percentage as me in the same amount of time. I just had more to lose. Me: 228-178= 21% Her: 150-120=20% She is now way into normal BMI. I have a ways to go!
    I can work with a bit more weight than you. I'M male, grew up on a farm, was a mechanic for 15+ years on subs and working on factory robots, and at one time was a good athlete (4:30 mile runner).

    Now im old, work at a desk, am a fair to poor athelete (6:52 is my best mile this year).

    I'll send it to anyone who asks.

    I think your mile times are awesome! You're never too old...look at Jake LaLane! Keep up the great work!