
ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
edited July 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Any runners out there? My goal is to run a half marathon next spring. Used to run, but have been out of the game for awhile ....Any tips on getting back in the game especially with this heat! (Not a treadmill runner, I love my trails)


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I hear you about the heat......that's why I like to run at 5AM or so during the summer; it gets hot and oppressively humid here in the summer.

    If your goal is to run a HM next spring (and assuming you're starting from zero again) I'd suggest starting with a 5k program (like to C25K) then move on to a 10K (get a race in if there's one that fit's your schedule) followed by a HM training plan. If you are a former runner you may find the C25K not terribly challenging but breaking yourself back in gently is a good approach. You may also find that your running fitness comes back faster than anticipated so you may want to skip the novice training plans for something a little more challenging but only you can be the judge of that. You have plenty of time to train.

    Be consistent, don't try to progress too quickly at first & have fun!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited July 2017
    @ncsubeachgirl A Trail Hound - I like :) . Come join us in the Monthly Running Challenge. We are on pg 37 already.
    You should start on pg 1 as there is some good information and links in the first post then jump forward and join in. Maybe repost your question.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I just finished Couch to 5K (C25K) Week 6 after about 10 years of not running. It's a 9 week program. You can look at the running schedule online, or put the app on your phone. It's from Zen Labs. I've built up from walk/jogging to running 22 minutes without stopping, three times a week. The app is great. I understand they also have a 10K program. I usually run a flat course around a local park, but started adding in hills this week. I second the suggestion to run in the morning. There's a huge difference where I live between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. heat, so I am motivated to go earlier!
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    I finished C25K in Feb after not running for 30 years. I plan on running a 1/2 marathon next winter. Presently my long run is 10 miles. As per the posts above it is a good program to get you back into the running groove.
    Also does your user name stand for NC State beach girl? If so good luck from a fellow North Carolinian.
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Yea it does! I see yours say 'heel' haha thanks! I think I'm gonna start that c25k program!
  • DharmainHeels
    DharmainHeels Posts: 94 Member
    I used to run half marathons but its been a few years. Getting back into distance running again after a hiatus!! We will see if I can get myself back into a race!
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Good luck!! I think i picked the wrong time of year lol are you from nc too? I see heels at the end of your name as well!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Yay!! I just ran my first Half in May. I loved it so much that I am now registered for another one in November! I run at 5am to avoid the heat. You have lots of time so just take it easy!! Great idea to start the c25k program!!
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Oh man everyone is telling me 5am! That's amazing that you all do that! I need to get my tail up and just do it!
  • CutieCait123
    CutieCait123 Posts: 39 Member
    There is a monthly runners thread! You should join it lots of great information. (it was mentioned above :smile:
  • DharmainHeels
    DharmainHeels Posts: 94 Member
    Good luck!! I think i picked the wrong time of year lol are you from nc too? I see heels at the end of your name as well!

    Nope - NY! Hot as balls where I live right now too!!! I do evening runs.
  • DharmainHeels
    DharmainHeels Posts: 94 Member
    I am into yoga and mindfulness but I also like being a diva.... So - Dharma in heels.
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    I've been doing evenings too when it's under 90... do you use a hydration backpack? I was just looking at those but didn't know if I should waste the money if it's uncomfortable
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    I was never a runner until C25K. I graduated on Good Friday. After a week or so of running 5K, I started the C210K app. Graduated that and was totally hooked! Now I'm training for a half on my 50th birthday in November. If novice me can dream and train, I know you can, too! The early morning runs are the only way I can tolerate the Alabama summer temps!
    @WandaVaughn your goal sounds a lot like mine. I'm 50 and plan on doing my 1/2 marathon while I am 51. My birthday is in October. I did not do the c210k app but slowly increased my distances on my own. I am up to 11 miles for my longer runs, so I plan on signing up for my 1/2 by the end of the year. Good luck in your endeavor.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've been doing evenings too when it's under 90... do you use a hydration backpack? I was just looking at those but didn't know if I should waste the money if it's uncomfortable

    Most of the trail & ultra runners I know all use hydration packs, there are a number of them designed specifically for runner (ie nice snug fit so no chafing) I have a camel back for riding but wouldn't wear it for running as it moves around a bit, here's a review of some running ones...
  • RhiAndy11
    RhiAndy11 Posts: 72 Member
    i just started with an aim to run 5km (my 1st attempt was a huge failure lol only managed 3km)...but once i did 5km a few times i aimed for 8km....then 10km. im comfortably running 10km now and thats only in a month and a half (i did used to run quite a bit last year and had run a 10km feb 2016 but after the summer i got lazy. so had to start over again this june
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »

    @WandaVaughn @cameronheel - You're just kids! I couldn't run a half when I was 50 or 51, because I didn't become a runner till I was 55. Ran my first half at 58, first full marathon at 59, first Boston at 60.

    You are an inspiration, no doubt!

  • banjoreb
    banjoreb Posts: 6 Member
    Add me, I too need more motivation