
wen062475 Posts: 13 Member
Beginning weight 231.2
SW for my R1/your R9 231.2
SW for my R2/Your R10: 228.4
GW for this round: 226
End goal: 175

07/12 228.4
07/13 228.2
07/14 228.2
07/15 228.2
07/16 228.2 - sitting at softball fields since Friday shamefully not drinking enough water or getting my calories in. Today's goal- 4 bottles of water MINIMUM & some food.

07/17 229.2
07/18 227.6 - finally some movement. I ate and drank more yesterday than I have in the few days prior. Let's hope this is a jumpstart!

07/19 Ran out the door late for physical therapy & no way was I stepping on a scale at 830pm