New Here .. SAHM of two toddlers..

Hi everyone, before i had my girls i lived to work & work out. i would go to the gym before going into the office and often at lunch or after work too. since i have had my girls exercise has completely dropped off my radar. with my first daughter (now 2.5) the weight just melted away. we wanted our kids close together and for me to stay home til they are in school so we had our second daughter just 16 months later. the weight came off a bit slower but then started coming back. my little one is now almost 15 months and i am in the worst shape of my life. i am really trying to eat well and incorporate exercise in our crazy schedule. would love to add some other moms who have the same challenges with meals & scheduling. i feel like this app could really work if we can build the right network of support.


  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    Hey and welcome! I'm a SAHM to two boys, 2.5 years old and 6 months. I find this site is extremely helpful and I was successful my first time (lost 25 pounds) but then had baby #2. Feel free to add me if you like :)