anyone in ARKANSAS

Hi, I live in conway Arkansas, at I'm work I on building just muscle. But. I kind of want Ppl to workout with at the gym. Makes it fun I go to planet fitness in Conway.


  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Whoa this got weird. I came into the thread with intent to say YEAH I'M IN ARKANSAS and then it turns out we actually go to the same gym. Crazy!

    Say hi if you see me! But tbh I like working out alone. I go with my roommate sometimes and I feel like we slow each other down at different things. She takes a long time with weights and I take a long time with cardio and it's like. Why are we even here together.
  • ZhivagosGirl
    ZhivagosGirl Posts: 161 Member
    I'm in Little Rock. Elliptical and recumbent bike home user here.