daniface Posts: 338 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
It seems insane to me that my ideal weight according to these Body mass index calculators should be around 130 pounds.
i am currently 190 pounds,5"8 with an athletic build. I run, and I played college soccer. I'm in decent shape.
i feel like ill look completly emaciated and anaroexic-like if i ever got down to 130 pounds!

im not buyin it BMI calculator!! im still going to shoot for the 170/160 range.

Also my copy of P90x should be arriving today and im super eager to try it out when i get home from work!!!!

I dont know what to expect ahh!


  • sallypal
    sallypal Posts: 6
    I'm in total agreement with you about the BMI charts...insane for sure! You will love P90x...hard work, but great results!!
  • missjo113
    missjo113 Posts: 52
    I'm no fitness expert but I agree with you that 130 seems low for your height. I used to be a WW leader and I just looked up the 'suggested' weight range for a person at 5' 8" and it's between 132 and 164 so I'd say your goal of 160 - 170 would be right on target.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Ideal Weight Calculation:

    According to your height of 5' 8" your ideal healthy weight is 147 pounds. Your recommended weight range is between 131 and 164 pounds.

    So 160 would be a good number.
  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    P90X is amazing, you will love it. Defiantely go by the nutrition pland and premake your food for the day, the day before. This way, youll stick to it and you won't be hungry for even a secnd.

    In one week, i have lost 4lbs....
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I am 5'8 myself and healthy BMI is 125-160lbs. At 129lbs (which I only saw rarely, it bounced to 131 most of the time) that’s a BMI of 19.5, probably the lowest you should go even though 18.5 is technically healthy.

    I was very happy at 132 lbs (if you look at my profile pics that’s pretty much all the photos especially wedding other than the black dress - that’s 129) and gained 8 lbs on my honeymoon (yup, that’s what 5000cal days on a cruise will do to you despite burning 500cals daily in the gym) so I came home 140lbs and am currently 137 trying to get rid of the last few.

    Before someone suggests I just have no muscle, I was 20% BF when tested in 2008 which is athlete level and 22% when I returned from my honeymoon 2009 which is fitness level (I will be tested again September 2010). It was tested by a nurse, no not the water method so it isn't perfect but it’s not those dumb scales from the grocery store that are 8% higher than they should be.

    My sister is 5'9 currently 174lbs and hoping to get to 150lbs for another example of healthy BMI goals.

    Set small goals for yourself, the first being 160lbs for example to loose 30 and see how that goes. You may gain mustle from P90X as well so keep an open mind while you are working out, watch your calories and you will do well.

    Best of luck!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    cool, thanks for the feedback!

    i will keep an open mind about it.

    baby steps baby steps right?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Foxxy, you are absolutely correct. It is a range. My ideal is 147lbs and I am 5'7.5". At that weight I am really slim...140lb is emaciated...whew, 130 would be skin and bones....
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