What is your motivation to lose weight?



  • simonemaasie
    simonemaasie Posts: 28 Member
    Trying to conceive :-)

    Healthy mum = healthy baby
  • tlmhiebert1985
    tlmhiebert1985 Posts: 32 Member
    I want to be a role model to my two little boys and be comfortable in my own skin again. I want to be confident again and I'm starting to be excited again. 5 more pounds to go.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I became prediabetic. Can't allow that to continue.
  • SaraydaB
    SaraydaB Posts: 120 Member
    My family is my motivation.... I want to be healthy and look good, I want to play with my toddler and not get tired and inspire my husband ;)
  • rachhan90x
    rachhan90x Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats on the new home! I want to feel comfortable and confident again, and see "me" again when I look in the mirror. I haven't recognised who I've become for a long time now (5 years) since my daughter was about 1 and my eating habits changed for the worse
  • JeannieWray
    JeannieWray Posts: 5 Member
    I want to feel more in control when riding my horses.. when I am over weight I feel fragile and uncoordinated
  • KathyStaggs2016
    KathyStaggs2016 Posts: 3 Member
    My 17 yro when she saw what I was wearing to a Brent Michaels concert "OMG that's so inappropriate, better stay close dad ;)" My 13 yro when my husband and I came in from running errands "MOM!!" he says "what " "she's so f*cking cute!" And him saying ya, she is. Best of all the custom steampunk outfit he ordered for me, bustle skirts corset and all "I like my lady looking hot" I was close to 300 lbs. I would describe myself as 4ft tall and 4ft wide. I have another 50 to my goal.
  • katnadreau
    katnadreau Posts: 149 Member
    My 4 girls. I want to show them you can be healthy, and you don't need fad diets/quick fixes to get that way. Not to mention diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure run in my family.
  • Robical
    Robical Posts: 19 Member
    My kids, looking better in clothes, being more active and getting back on a horse are my motivators :)
  • Sith78
    Sith78 Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 2017
    To piss my ex off lol! No but seriously thats one reason, for my daughter. I hate feeling winded and weak. So i started exercising and she works out with me. ♥️
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    My #1 motivation is my tiny human. She's two now and at that whole monkey-see, monkey-do stage. I want her to see an active and healthy Mama who makes good choices. I don't want her to have the health problems that I have had. I have to do everything I can so that I can be around for her (*& her sister and her dad) as long as possible. I want to be able to keep up with her and lead her by example.

    *While I love my husband and stepdaughter very much and they motivate me as well, the littlest one is the biggest motivator because she is watching ME in these formative years. I of course encourage my husband and big girl to join me in my efforts and want to make them proud as well.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    Not Orphaning my kids!
  • KirbySmith46
    KirbySmith46 Posts: 198 Member
    Got divorced a couple of years ago and I want to look good so I can attract the right person. And when I say the right person, I mean someone who is healthy, fit and active.
  • Sith78
    Sith78 Posts: 9 Member
    Brookielaw, right on!!! Thats so cool! So sweet, yeah a year ago i would've been so lazy, i cant see myself like that no more i definetly dont want her to see me like that.
  • tofiggy
    tofiggy Posts: 44 Member
    High liver enzymes, doctor says I need to lose weight.
  • pariskleesha
    pariskleesha Posts: 7 Member
    I thought of another one of my motivations and it can seem a little vain but oh well. I want to be back to my curvy self the woman my man fell in love with. He tells me now that he will always think I'm beautiful no matter what. But I don't feel I am and it gets in the way of my confidence, and when I met him I was so confident and playful and I want to have that version of me back and I'm pretty sure my man would love to have her back too.
    Feels so good to finally say it and have it off my chest
  • _NicLovin_
    _NicLovin_ Posts: 121 Member
    I want to be more kind to myself, which is much more than just weight loss for me. This is a piece of a larger mental/physical/spiritual overhaul that involves accepting myself where I'm at, and also knowing that I can make positive changes in my life.

    I also want to look banging in my wedding dress next October.
  • noah49822
    noah49822 Posts: 61 Member
    WOW There are so many inspiring stories on here!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When I went in for my 38 year checkup 4 years ago, I came out with a bunch of nasty blood work and the doctor told me that if I didn't get it together I'd likely be very sick, if not dead by 60. At the time I had a 2 year old and a new born and the thought of not being around to watch those little boys become men was unacceptable.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    congratulations on your new home! My motivation was my husband coming home from the dr's with cholesterol meds after I had to be taken off mine because it was causing joint damage. Something clicked in me, I was like that is it, we need to change our eating habits so that we can be around long enough to spoil future grandbabies and to live long enough to actually enjoy all the plans we have for our retirement years. So I guess for health reason... So we set out to be healthy and fit and 8 months into it we are doing just that!!! B)