Sugar Cravings and Being in a Pool- Help!

Okay. I work in a pool teaching swim lessons between 4-8 hours (actual pool time). It is also a heated pool (93 degrees) in a heated room (99 degrees). Anyways, I've been super frustrated because whenever I work I have INSANE sugar cravings... like I can not get enough fruit, fruit snacks, cookies, whatever with sugar I can get my hands on. I know I am burning calories (have no idea how many, and don't have the money for a hr monitor that is water proof and such), but it's really frustrating because it makes me want to (and I usually) binge sugar, throwing off the whole diet portion.

Anyways, I'm just looking for some outside light to be shed on the sugar/pool connection, and any advice on how to curb those cravings/satisfy them.

Thanks for any input.


  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    That reminds me of when I was a kid. I did swim team for 2 hours a day. I then went home just long enough to quickly shove food in my face and then back to pool until it closed at 9 only leaving the pool to stuff my face because I was so hungry! I was always hungry. The funny thing was I could and did eat anything because I was burning so many calories. think of it this way if you are in a pool that is 93 degrees even with the temp outside of the pool your body still has to work hard to maintain 98.6 degrees hence you are hungry with all the calories getting burned to keep you warm! Carbs are fast fuel that your body can easily break down for quick energy.
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Good point! I just am now like, how do I balance all of the madness so that I don't keep gaining weight by shoveling food yet fuel my body enough to keep it up?
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    First off, the heated pool and heated room add nothing significant to your caloric expenditure. And typical swimming instruction (unles you are in with students doing laps or treading water) is only mild exertion.

    To help curb your sugar craving, try cinnamon in tea, sugar free mints, low cal veggie sticks and drinking sufficient water.