No More Excuses -- Week 35

justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Lots of new people this week, as I always say, the more the merrier.

Sorry again for the delays this week, vacation coupled with a computer virus that caused me to have to re image my computer has messed everythng up. Lots of the regulars did not give us weigh ins this week, I will give everyone a rain check since it was a holiday.

Teri, you get biggest loser honors this week, is there any challenge you would like to put out there?


So for anyone who wants to join. During your 1st week in the group, send me your starting weight, last Sunday's weight, and this week's weigh in (we do them on Sunday). All information must be sent to me by noon Central on Monday. All subsequent week's you just have to give me your current weight from Sunday by noon on Monday.

This is an open group, and we love to have new people join. If you want to join, go ahead and start posting, tell us about yourself, we have been doing this diet thing a while and may be able to answer a lot of our questions!!!!


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    :smile: I want in on this :smile:
    Last recorded weight: 185.8 lbs on 07/04/10
  • I'd like to join as well...since you weigh on Sundays, and today is Friday, does that mean I should weigh in this Sunday? Anyway, I'm a college student who used to swim on a club team (so practice 11 times a week, 4 hours most days) and gained a good 15-20 pounds and 4 pants sizes when I stopped swimming that much because I continued to eat like I swam, even though I didn't. So, I've joined MFP and I'd really like to lose the weight and at least get close to where I was before. My current weight, as of Tuesday was 154.2 lbs.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am glad I have 2 more days until Sunday. On vacation this week and it is so hot needless to say I am not exercising much, except for swimming. I love the heat. I have my gra nddaughters with me this week so lots of junk food in the house - hard to resist.

    susan (smwert)

    I am mostly just rambling on so I can mark this thread for posting on Sunday.
  • ATJune
    ATJune Posts: 89 Member
    I would like to join too..
    Current weight 155 Lbs
  • tericamp
    tericamp Posts: 19
    Okay! For the rest of this week, the challenge will be to add extra moves to your daily routines.

    For example:
    - Throw efficiency out the window and take multiple trips when putting laundry away (e.g. fold one item, put it away, fold another item, put it away, etc.).
    - If you are going upstairs make it a double by walking up, come back down before doing whatever you were going upstairs for, and then walk back up.
    - When you go somewhere park in the parking space furthest away from the building and walk the length of the parking lot.
    - Do squats or sit ups while you are watching tv.

    You get the idea. Much more relaxed from last week's challenge, but I am sore after my sports conditioning class yesterday. The substitute teacher killed me on circuits! I know, *whine* *whine* lol.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Send me those weigh ins!!!!!! Will post on Monday afternoon.
  • redbeard
    redbeard Posts: 19 Member
    New week.
    New dedication to getting the job done.
    New motivation to achieving goals.

    We've finally gotten rid of the leftovers from Fourth of July! Fortunately, I got through that without putting on any weight, but I didn't lose any weight this last week.

    I lost a fair amount of weight earlier this year (about 45 lbs), but I've been stagnate the last few months. I was okay with that for a while, but I've got to get my focus back and get back to taking the pounds off. Fortunately, I've been doing a lot of exercising, so I'm much healthier, just need to lose the weight.

    Goals this week:
    - Complete week 7 of couch to 5K
    - Lose 2.5 pounds
    - 5 hours of cardio training

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning team!!! WOW!!!! I have been MIA for a while. This past week (Wed - Sat) was production week of our local Children's Theatre.....They did "The Legend of Pocahontas". My son was Keokum (the very protective Indian that was to marry Pocahontas!) They did a very fantastic job, however, it consumed my whole week. Sorry!!!!

    Thank Goodness this is a new week. I need to get back on the wagon! I didn't have a bad week which surprised me really as we just kind of ate and ran all week long. I did loose 1 lb......down to 157. YIPEE!!!!

    Really awesome that we have so many new faces on our board. That is great! Welcome and I look forward to getting to know each of you better!

    Our son that was in the play is now at Football camp in the mountains. Got a text from him late last night that he had "found" service. (God am I praying he didn't wonder away somewhere.....I really believe he didn't and that the service is just so sparse it was coming and going) He is a freshman this year. It didn't sound like camp was going to well. Not an easy way for a mom to get any rest. I will be worried now until he returns home on Tuesday!!! ;) All I can do is pray that things get better for him. He loves the sport, but they are really "camping" and some of the tents I guess didn't work, so they are all "crammed" into what they have!

    Better get to work for the day! Hope everyone has a super duper one!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi all, welcome to you who are new. I have been going in the wrong direction. Kind of had a falling out. I have gained like 5 pounds, and i am sick with myself. I said I would never be in the 160's again, and this morning I was 164. But today I am eating well, and hope to get a walk in later on. I think I have my head back in the game, just a few weeks, where all I wanted to do was eat junk.

    We have had no internet or phone since Friday, and we just got it back now. I was a long 3 days without internet.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Hi all, welcome to you who are new. I have been going in the wrong direction. Kind of had a falling out. I have gained like 5 pounds, and i am sick with myself. I said I would never be in the 160's again, and this morning I was 164. But today I am eating well, and hope to get a walk in later on. I think I have my head back in the game, just a few weeks, where all I wanted to do was eat junk.

    We have had no internet or phone since Friday, and we just got it back now. I was a long 3 days without internet.

    I notice you haven't been posting lately - perhaps that is part of the gain!!!
    I too had a bad spot but I am back on track finally - I had gained back 5 pounds too over my vacation - it is mostly gone now
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