Blurry vision, nausea, headaches, nutrition.

Hi there,

I'm really keen to hear what people might think is going on for me.

I've been using MfP for two years, steadily losing weight, and lowering my intake from 2600 to 1800 over that time. In that time I took up running more seriously, and began fell running last autumn. On two occasions in December and January, both about 48 hours after a big run, I almost passed out. Then I occurred to me that 1800 calories is a BMR for my height and size, and I was only averaging around 1600. So I upped my intake, quite a lot at first (my weight went up to about 15.5 stone) , and have since (over the last three months) lowered it to about 2100.

However, since January my vision has been blurry, my general energy levels have dropped substantially and I get regular headaches and nausea and dizziness. My GP can find nothing amiss, they've tried labyrinthitis as a diagnosis but the ENT specialist can't find evidence. I'm awaiting a head scan. All blood tests come back fine.

My acupuncturist has suggested that my stomach/spleen energy is very weak, so has recommended eating
little and often. This has helped a little in the last few days, particularly with the headaches, nausea and blurry vision. But that has confirmed (a little at least) that the issue is dietary. But what did I do to myself last year that could have thrown my body so completely out of whack?

I have occasional runs now, no more than 3 miles, and whilst being a bit slow to start there is energy there once I get going, but the day after and (today) 2 days after the headache, blurry vision and nausea return, and eating doesn't really help.

Any thoughts? I'd really appreciate any advice.

I'm 6'2" male, and weigh about 14.5 stone.

Thanks ever so.


  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    No, only non fasting.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    My acupuncturist has suggested that my stomach/spleen energy is very weak, so has recommended eating
    little and often.

    Woo. By the way, what are you seeing your acupuncturist for?

    But what did I do to myself last year that could have thrown my body so completely out of whack?

    Highly unlikely.

    My GP can find nothing amiss, they've tried labyrinthitis as a diagnosis but the ENT specialist can't find evidence. I'm awaiting a head scan. All blood tests come back fine.

    I would recommend that you follow your GP/ENT specialists advice only.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    No, only non fasting.

    So you haven't been tested for diabetes?
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    I guess not, if that has to be done under a fast. Can't think why the GP didn't suggest the fasting test though.
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    My acupuncturist has suggested that my stomach/spleen energy is very weak, so has recommended eating
    little and often.

    Woo. By the way, what are you seeing your acupuncturist for?

    Because I was getting nowhere with the GP.

  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    If you're working out hard, you may not be fueling yourself efficiently.
    Are you eating back your calories?
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    No, only non fasting.

    So you haven't been tested for diabetes?

    Wouldn't this have shown up on non-fasting blood tests?
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    edited July 2017
    Normally, I'd suggest seeing a doctor... You've already done it.

    Do you have a home BP checker. IF not, I'd suggest making the investment and monitoring your BP when the symptoms manifest... 2-5 times daily. I'd ditch the woo doctor (acupuncturist) and ask for a referral to a Rheumatologist to look at possible autoimmune markers/symptoms
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    rmgnow wrote: »
    If you're working out hard, you may not be fueling yourself efficiently.
    Are you eating back your calories?

    I wasn't at the end of last year, but I have been since then.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Find another doctor. This problem needs to be addressed. Barring all other options- run until you experience symptoms, then have a friend drive you to the ER.
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited July 2017
    Is that acupuncturist giving you any supplements that could be doing this? Are you taking anything like ginko, ginseng, herbal teas, any strange supplements? Surprised your doctor did not test you for type 2 diabetes fasting. He must have had a reason.
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    Is that acupuncturist giving you any supplements that could be doing this? Are you taking anything like ginko, ginseng, herbal teas, any strange supplements? Surprised your doctor did not test you for type 2 diabetes fasting. He must have had a reason.

    The Doctor was a locum back then, in January, and wanted to talk a lot during my consultation about under funding to the NHS, so it wouldn't surprise me if he over-looked it. But subsequent GPs haven't picked up on it, and I've had 4 different ones since then.

    I was taking zinc and folic acid, but have stopped since. The acupuncturist as not been giving me any supplements.
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    Normally, I'd suggest seeing a doctor... You've already done it.

    Do you have a home BP checker. IF not, I'd suggest making the investment and monitoring your BP when the symptoms manifest... 2-5 times daily. I'd ditch the woo doctor (acupuncturist) and ask for a referral to a Rheumatologist to look at possible autoimmune markers/symptoms

    BP has been normal on the visits to GPs. But maybe I'll buy one.
    Autoimmune markers is a good call, thanks.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Is that acupuncturist giving you any supplements that could be doing this? Are you taking anything like ginko, ginseng, herbal teas, any strange supplements? Surprised your doctor did not test you for type 2 diabetes fasting. He must have had a reason.

    The Doctor was a locum back then, in January, and wanted to talk a lot during my consultation about under funding to the NHS, so it wouldn't surprise me if he over-looked it. But subsequent GPs haven't picked up on it, and I've had 4 different ones since then.

    Have you asked them to test you for diabetes?

  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited July 2017
    Although it really sounds like you need a fasting type 2 test.
    From Google:
    Signs of too much zinc include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches.
    (I'm not sure why people don't just take multivitamin)
    Stores like CVS or walgreens have blood pressure machines in case the cost of a cuff is too high for you. If they don't have a machine, they will have a cuff, but you have to ask.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Although it really sounds like you need a fasting type 2 test.
    From Google:
    Signs of too much zinc include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches.

    A simple blood test would show vitamin and mineral levels ... but who knows if he has been sent for that.
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    Although it really sounds like you need a fasting type 2 test.
    From Google:
    Signs of too much zinc include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches.
    (I'm not sure why people don't just take multivitamin)

    Yes, I saw that too. I stopped it all about 10 days ago.
  • nickhennessey
    nickhennessey Posts: 26 Member
    edited July 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Is that acupuncturist giving you any supplements that could be doing this? Are you taking anything like ginko, ginseng, herbal teas, any strange supplements? Surprised your doctor did not test you for type 2 diabetes fasting. He must have had a reason.

    The Doctor was a locum back then, in January, and wanted to talk a lot during my consultation about under funding to the NHS, so it wouldn't surprise me if he over-looked it. But subsequent GPs haven't picked up on it, and I've had 4 different ones since then.

    Have you asked them to test you for diabetes?

    Well I can see from my test results that they did a random glucose check, and that came in as normal. Do you suggest I ask for a fasting check?
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited July 2017
    In the US, a test for vitamin and mineral deficiencies could cost thousands. Insurance only pays if it's absolutely necessary. And insurance companies tend to be stingy with this.