I just need some advice O______O

I recently quit smoking and as I was warned, The pound packed on like crazy.
I am a person who gives up without immediate results (I've noticed anyways..)
So I'm wondering, Any tips on getting that weight down FAST?
I have a gym pass... That kind of gets used.. >.>
And I'm trying to avoid animal and animal by products, And eventually gluten as well..
I've tried Canadian HCG diet solution.. Doesn't work (The original illegal version you can't get anymore did tho)
I've tried taking protein in the morning, I'm trying just having smoothies and smaller meals..
EVERYTHING and I'm not seeing any progress.
Are there any proven successful weight supplements or tactics I could try?

Thank you :3


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    1. Lower your expectations.
    2. There's no miracle pill, only hard work
    3. Weightloss is not a race
    4. Stop buying into all that horrible crap like HGC. Don't take things like Hydroxycut or whatever supplement flavor of the month there is, cause it doesn't work. THERE'S NO MAGIC PILL!!!!
    4. Stop looking for a quick way out, cause it isn't happening
    5. Start logging ALL of your food on MFP. Food, condiments, drinks, spices EVERYTHING
    6. Measure EVERYTHING. Buy a food scale (they're like $20-$25), get some measuring cups
    7. Figure out your TDEE-20% ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 ) and eat the amount of calories directed on there.
    8. It's not that hard, you just have to so the math and stick with it. Before you know it, the weight will start coming off.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    Congratulations on quitting smoking! This August marks 4 years since I quit (after a nasty 18 year habit). I'd recommend you get involved with some hobby to keep you occupied. Seriously, I took up crochet when I quit and would keep my hands busy every time I sat down. It kind of depends on your habits though - I smoked the most when I got bored and when I was driving. I also chewed a lot of gum to keep my mouth busy and to keep me from eating. You can do this! I'm so proud of you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1. Lower your expectations.
    2. There's no miracle pill, only hard work
    3. Weightloss is not a race
    4. Stop buying into all that horrible crap like HGC. Don't take things like Hydroxycut or whatever supplement flavor of the month there is, cause it doesn't work. THERE'S NO MAGIC PILL!!!!
    4. Stop looking for a quick way out, cause it isn't happening
    5. Start logging ALL of your food on MFP. Food, condiments, drinks, spices EVERYTHING
    6. Measure EVERYTHING. Buy a food scale (they're like $20-$25), get some measuring cups
    7. Figure out your TDEE-20% ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 ) and eat the amount of calories directed on there.
    8. It's not that hard, you just have to so the math and stick with it. Before you know it, the weight will start coming off.

    All of this!
  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    1. Lower your expectations.
    2. There's no miracle pill, only hard work
    3. Weightloss is not a race
    4. Stop buying into all that horrible crap like HGC. Don't take things like Hydroxycut or whatever supplement flavor of the month there is, cause it doesn't work. THERE'S NO MAGIC PILL!!!!
    4. Stop looking for a quick way out, cause it isn't happening
    5. Start logging ALL of your food on MFP. Food, condiments, drinks, spices EVERYTHING
    6. Measure EVERYTHING. Buy a food scale (they're like $20-$25), get some measuring cups
    7. Figure out your TDEE-20% ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 ) and eat the amount of calories directed on there.
    8. It's not that hard, you just have to so the math and stick with it. Before you know it, the weight will start coming off.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    1. Lower your expectations.
    2. There's no miracle pill, only hard work
    3. Weightloss is not a race
    4. Stop buying into all that horrible crap like HGC. Don't take things like Hydroxycut or whatever supplement flavor of the month there is, cause it doesn't work. THERE'S NO MAGIC PILL!!!!
    4. Stop looking for a quick way out, cause it isn't happening
    5. Start logging ALL of your food on MFP. Food, condiments, drinks, spices EVERYTHING
    6. Measure EVERYTHING. Buy a food scale (they're like $20-$25), get some measuring cups
    7. Figure out your TDEE-20% ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 ) and eat the amount of calories directed on there.
    8. It's not that hard, you just have to so the math and stick with it. Before you know it, the weight will start coming off.

    Agree ^
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    1. Lower your expectations.
    2. There's no miracle pill, only hard work
    3. Weightloss is not a race
    4. Stop buying into all that horrible crap like HGC. Don't take things like Hydroxycut or whatever supplement flavor of the month there is, cause it doesn't work. THERE'S NO MAGIC PILL!!!!
    4. Stop looking for a quick way out, cause it isn't happening
    5. Start logging ALL of your food on MFP. Food, condiments, drinks, spices EVERYTHING
    6. Measure EVERYTHING. Buy a food scale (they're like $20-$25), get some measuring cups
    7. Figure out your TDEE-20% ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 ) and eat the amount of calories directed on there.
    8. It's not that hard, you just have to so the math and stick with it. Before you know it, the weight will start coming off.

    All of this! Stick with it and congratulations on quitting smoking that's a huge accomplishment :)
  • dta4ever
    dta4ever Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with the above! Hard work is the way to go!
  • ChrisMundie
    ChrisMundie Posts: 18 Member
    I recently quit smoking as well. I was having a hard time with nicotine cravings and I also wanted to drop some pounds. I devised this plan to make myself as uncomfortable as possible, but in general ways. I used the patch for a couple of weeks so I got used to not smoking. Then the day I stopped using the patch I got a juicer and juice fasted for 3 days and have since started juicing 2 meals a day and just eating a sensible dinner. I'm losing weight, I don't miss cigarettes, in fact I feel the best I have in a very very long time. So my recommendation is juice now, juice fast, juice often.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I am a person who gives up without immediate results (I've noticed anyways..)

    That's the key part to work on. You can change that. It's not a set-in-stone fact about yourself. Start thinking differently. Stop being ther person who gives up without immediate results. It's as simple as that. Weight loss takes a long time. It's boring, tedious and hard work, and it doesn't end when you reach your goal. If you don't accept that, you're unlikely to be more successful than you have in the past. Stop looking for FAST ways to lose weight, and start making changes to your lifestyle that you can live with forever. You don't need special supplements or secret tactics. You need a calorie deficit - that is a proven way to lose weight. Fast weight loss is not only unrealistic and harder to sustain, it also increases your risk of losing lean mass (eg muscle) rather than fat. That will result in you looking bigger at a lower weight, and make it even harder to manage your weight in the future.

    Track your food here on MFP, meet your calorie goal (aiming to lose 1 lb a week for now would be reasonable). Eat the foods you like, but make any adjustments that make it easier to meet your goals. Protein and fibre will keep you fuller for longer.

    Add in exercise that you enjoy doing.

    Make a commitment, have patience, believe in yourself and stop looking for the quick fix. :flowerforyou:

    And big congratulations on quitting smoking. :smile: