Half marathon in 12-weeks: who's ready?



  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thanks for the insight on how far to run. I think I'm going to get one of those running belts that holds a water bottle. The belt I have now is too small for that.

    How often do you replace your running shoes? Do you have shoes that you train in and different shoes for races? I wouldn't think you'd want that, but it seems like I've heard people doing that.

    I'm going to start the Hal Higdon's half training on Monday.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I just did a 3.05 mile run in 37:05!!! I only walked for 2 blocks during the run. This is the best I have done in a long time!!

    What is everyones pace when you do a run?
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Great work Jacqueline! I don't run terribly fast, but have already improved my speed since I first started running at the beginning of the year (did couch to 5k). I run at an average of 5mph. But, I imagine as I increase my distance, my speed with lessen, at least in the short term.

    Did a nice long walk today with my work's walking group. Tomorrow on the schedule: 4 mile run. I'm going to have to get up early again to do it. While it's not as hot as it was earlier this week, if it's above 80, I can't do it outside.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm still up on my runners high from this morning. I finished my second week of training with a six mile run in 1 hour 24 min making me at 14 min miles today. 13 miles logged this week.

    Hi Kristina - I'm glad you found this group!!

    As for shoes - I bought a pair in April that I use strictly for running. I'm hoping they will last for the 1/2 marathon.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    How often do you replace your running shoes? Do you have shoes that you train in and different shoes for races? I wouldn't think you'd want that, but it seems like I've heard people doing that.

    No! Wear good shoes that you're used to running in on race day. I think having about 75 miles on them is ideal--enough that you know you won't have new issues with rubbing or chafing, but still with plenty of spring in them. The only people who usually wear specific shoes in a race are people trying to win, who wear racing flats (or crazy people willing to spend a lot of money to save 8 seconds).

    Lisa and I posted to another thread on this yesterday--she says she gets 400-500 miles on her shoes, but I have to replace mine after 250-300 miles max. Alas, I am a lot fatter than Lisa. The heavier you are, the more quickly your shoes will wear out.

    I am 13 weeks out from a full marathon but haven't seen any threads for that. Can I hang with you guys? I am excited for all of you--I love the half marathon distance. It is a great accomplishment!
  • aero00
    aero00 Posts: 5
    Hey everyone! I hope you don't mind another joiner :) I'm set to run the Women's half marathon in Nashville on September 25. It's not my first half, but it's my first in about 4 years. I'm using a plan from active.com and just did a 5 mile run this morning. I'm so looking forward to longer runs....even though I feel like I'm plodding along right now :)

  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    I try to replace my shoes every 3-4 months, but they are so expensive!!

    Had my mom's family reunion today, so of course I ate like a pig... I'm going out for a run with a friend tomorrow morning, and hope to eat better too.

    Sounds like everyone is doing great on their training runs so far! Keep it up!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    It randomly started raining this afternoon, and since it's been hot/humid, I thought it might be fun to go run in it. It stopped after about a mile, but I went ahead and did 5.3 (with hills!). :smile:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I have another question or two.

    1. What's your pace right now per mile?

    2. Have you ever gotten fitted for running shoes before?
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I have another question or two.

    1. What's your pace right now per mile?

    2. Have you ever gotten fitted for running shoes before?

    1. Sadly about 11:30/mile. :S The heat gets me. Though, even in cooler temps I'm only around 11 min/mi.
    2. YES! Do it. It's very important to wear the right shoes. It really makes a difference in how well you run, as well as injury prevention. Go to a real running shop (not Sports Authority or ****'s... they are not trained.) Spend the money. It hurts, but it's cheaper than doctor's bills!

    ETA- the filter edited my part where I said "D*ck's" as in the sports store!! lol Oh well.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    I'm in!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just a note to all - there are no "sad" or "bad" running times. We all should be proud of ourselves that we are getting out there and doing something!!!!

    On that note - on shorter (2 to 4 mile) runs, I vary from 12 to 14 min miles. On longer (5+ miles) runs, I vary from 13:30 to 15 min miles. Time of day, humidity, heat and course selection all affect my times. I am very proud of myself for getting out there and "just doing it!!" my goal is to finish the 1/2 marathon even if I walk run it. Next year I can work to improve my time.

    I agree that you should go to a store that specializes in running shoes and have them analyze your gait. Like most women, I pronate and the shoes to compensate for this made a big differance in the aches and pains. It was worth every penny to me. If you enter a 5k or 10k sponsered by a running store - coupons will be in the goody bag. If it's a charity race and you itemize on taxes, you may be able to count the entry fee as a tax deduction (double check with your accountant).

    Earlier someone posted they were thinking of getting a running belt to hold water. I bought a belt that holds 4 eight ounces bottles. In this heat and humidity, I've been drinking 3 on 6 mile runs. Now, I'm thinking I should have gotten the 8 bottle belt. I'm going to try and wean myself down to a bottle every 1.5 miles. I may have dreamed this but I think I read somewhere - weigh yourself before and after running. If you came back weighing more, you're overhydrating. If you come back weighing less you're underhydrating. Has anyone else heard this??

    Edited to add - great job on the runs today!!!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Just a note to all - there are no "sad" or "bad" running times. We all should be proud of ourselves that we are getting out there and doing something!!!!

    On that note - on shorter (2 to 4 mile) runs, I vary from 12 to 14 min miles. On longer (5+ miles) runs, I vary from 13:30 to 15 min miles. Time of day, humidity, heat and course selection all affect my times. I am very proud of myself for getting out there and "just doing it!!" my goal is to finish the 1/2 marathon even if I walk run it. Next year I can work to improve my time.

    That is great that you are so proud of yourself for whatever times you run! If I finish I am proud of myself.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Did my long run for the week, which was just 4 miles (just starting the training), and it went just fine. Getting up early to beat the heat helps. The issue is just getting up. Once I was out there, I was fine. Could have even gone for longer, but didn't want to stretch myself too much today. 5 miles is a couple weeks down the road, which I'm looking forward to. Only wish it would be cooler outside, so I wouldn't have to get up at 6 on the weekends to get moving outside!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Just a note to all - there are no "sad" or "bad" running times. We all should be proud of ourselves that we are getting out there and doing something!!!!

    On that note - on shorter (2 to 4 mile) runs, I vary from 12 to 14 min miles. On longer (5+ miles) runs, I vary from 13:30 to 15 min miles. Time of day, humidity, heat and course selection all affect my times. I am very proud of myself for getting out there and "just doing it!!" my goal is to finish the 1/2 marathon even if I walk run it. Next year I can work to improve my time.

    I agree that you should go to a store that specializes in running shoes and have them analyze your gait. Like most women, I pronate and the shoes to compensate for this made a big differance in the aches and pains. It was worth every penny to me. If you enter a 5k or 10k sponsered by a running store - coupons will be in the goody bag. If it's a charity race and you itemize on taxes, you may be able to count the entry fee as a tax deduction (double check with your accountant).

    Earlier someone posted they were thinking of getting a running belt to hold water. I bought a belt that holds 4 eight ounces bottles. In this heat and humidity, I've been drinking 3 on 6 mile runs. Now, I'm thinking I should have gotten the 8 bottle belt. I'm going to try and wean myself down to a bottle every 1.5 miles. I may have dreamed this but I think I read somewhere - weigh yourself before and after running. If you came back weighing more, you're overhydrating. If you come back weighing less you're underhydrating. Has anyone else heard this??

    Edited to add - great job on the runs today!!!!

    You're very right on the time. As long as we're getting out there and moving our bodies, we should be proud of ourselves! That being said, I still tend to obsess about it a bit. :wink:

    As for the hydration, I know I've heard to weigh yourself before and after to know how much you need to replenish. I don't bring water on my runs (I'm the one who asks about water running belts), but I can tell a difference in a race when I've had some water to drink in the middle a few times.

    My time is usually between 9:30-10:00/mile, and it doesn't seem to matter the length of my run. Should I expect my shorter runs to be faster as a general rule? I don't always know how long I'm going to run when I go outside to run, so I just start running at my normal pace. I plan on working on speed on the treadmill more consistently from now on. I assume that'll improve my time.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Morning ladies, I'm just about to leave for my run.

    Let's see, if I'm runnng on the tm, I average around 10:30- 10:45 pace. If I'm running outside, it's ususally closer to 10:20. Though there are days when i do a LSD (long slow distance) and i drop it down to 11 min mile. My race paces for shorter races (right now) is under 10mm for a 5k and about 10:10 for over 10miles. One of the things that got me injured 5 years ago was running every run "balls out" , thinking i had to beat my time from the last time i did that run. I took my a while to embrace running slower at times. I still have a bit to go to get back the speed i had pre-injunry, and honestly, i may never get it back.

    and for question #2, yes. DEFINITELY get fitted. It's one of the best things you can do for your feet (and your knees!)

    I have a Fuel Belt and I'm not overly thrilled with it. It seemed to move around too much (bounce, i guess). I have a Nathan handheld bottle and i LOVE it. i can fit a gel or 2 in the pocket, my car key and/or probably a cell phone if i ran with one. When i know it's going to be HOT, i put it in the freezer the night before with Powerade Zero (diluted with some water) and let that freeze up and then it thaws as I'm running.

    Check in with you all later.


    PS. Val, I honestly don't weigh that much less than you, lol. I find that New Balances seem to better for "not stick thin" runners and don't seem to wear as quickly as other shoes.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Starting Hal Higdons novice half marathon training program tomorrow and I'm really excited!! Did 3 miles today and I'm ready!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Here's the link to what will be the thread for the training support!

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm getting ready to take the plunge and register for the Women's Half Marathon on 21 Nov in St. Petersburg, FL (http://www.womenshalfmarathon.com/stpetersburg/). It's my first ever (most i ever ran at one time was 6 miles) so I'm a little nervous about how I'll do. But, I've got 19 weeks to train so I should be good to go some race day, right!?

    Thanks for the link for a training plan - that will be a huge help!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey... where did everyone go??? :huh: