Just Another Awesome Vegan

Hi, mfp! Carrie here- quirky, vegan chef, and single mom of two very little dudes. I pondered adding "artist" and "gamer" in place of quirky, but there really hasn't been time for either of those long-loved hobbies since the mom thing happened.

My first inspiration for making an account here was to give myself an easy way to keep track of the calories and nutrition in my cooking, since I cook a ton of food at home (had to replace the void that painting used to fill, I suppose... maybe).

I love people. And cats. Manatee are pretty cool, too. Good luck, everyone. :)


  • vegansocks
    vegansocks Posts: 11 Member
    Note: I had to feed the baby in the middle of posting, so if reading it has you feeling a little bereft, this is my excuse.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member