Quick question about a 1 day fasting?

Hello All, :)

Just a quick question. For 2 week I've been watching my calories pretty close keeping them around 1200-1300 cal a day.

***PS- I know that's pretty low and it's considered under eating for my age, size, workouts ect. I'm Just experimenting and trying to find a system that personally works for me & breaking through a weight loss stand still , please no lectures on how I need to eat more ect ect ect***

ANYWAYS, last night after dinner I declared my cheat meal/cheat eating period whatever you want to call it.. I ate to the point of being uncomfortable... on the edge of puking my face off lol...

So waking up this morning food was the last thing on my mind. I didn't feel guilty about what I ate or anything like that. But I didn't feel good and simply wasn't hungry so I decided to fast all day today and just start my normal eating schedule tomorrow. My question is: Is that okay? I am still not hungry, I been sipping on water (currently at 1/2 a gallon and it's 1:47pm) and I had a plain coffee.

Any advice/comments/tips/questions/thoughts ?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It's completely fine, your body does not run on a 24 hour clock. The calories you consume each day is not that important as long as you hit your weekly calorie goal. For instance, if you eat 1300 calories a day normally, you could eat 2600 calories one day, and then fast the next day and it averages out, and it's fine.
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    Listen to your body, it usually tells you what it needs ;) It's certainly not going to kill ya, but I wouldn't do it often. I know there is a fasting program out there (intermittent fasting or something like that) that people swear by.