help tried , tryed and fed up - no weight lost

im fed up i walk everywhere i dont eat tooo tooo badly but i dont lose weight - my friends say im tone my stomach and legs but i wanna get those pounds off! i had a baby 2 years ago and went from 180 to 250 in 9 months. im still 230 even tho i eat lots of veggies and fruits with little or no pop, chips or candy. i hate that when i go to the scale im still over 200 . i feel fat, tired and ugly. my friends lost so much weight but im still stuck at 230, sigh. is there anything else other then eating fruits and veggies that i can try, i dont wanna do a diet pills as the weight will just come back. i wanna do it gradually but after 1 year at being stuck at 230 is stupid. i heard that bread is a weight gainer but also that we need it in our diet . the same about milk. ive been to a doctor but he says im doing ok , but why cant i lose anything


  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling like this, it IS frustrating and upsetting. Do you track what you eat at the moment, or are you new to My Fitness Pal?

    What does a typical day look like for you, food-wise?
  • sarasmiles124
    sarasmiles124 Posts: 138 Member
    You've got to shake things up a bit when it comes to diet and exercise. If you do the same routine each day your body gets used to it and it plateaus. Try and do something different - try adding light weights and other forms of cardio to your routine to shock your body a little. I have been there and its hard but you can do it. Just keep working at it, keep walking and eating well. Just change it up a bit.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Do you weigh and measure everything? It would help if your food log was open too so that people could give you better informed advice instead of generic pep talks.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    1. Buy a food scale and weigh everything you eat, then log it. Everything! Don't eat it until you've put it in your diary.
    2. Track all of your exercise. If you have a smart phone, get an app that tracks you distance and speed of your walks. Then log that as well.
    3. Eat fewer calories than you burn according to your MFP diary. Don't worry about anything else like protein or carbs ect. Just track calories and make sure you honestly are in the green--no fudging amounts or guessing portion sizes. It only works if you are 100% honest.

    Give it three weeks. I bet you'll drop at least 3 pounds in that time. If you can drop a pound a week, you'll be 52 pounds lighter by this time next year.
  • KellyyT
    KellyyT Posts: 41 Member
    do you weigh and record every single thing that goes in your mouth? yes, you're supposed to eat a lot of veggies and fruit, but if you over-do it and eat TONS of it, you'll still gain or maintain your weight. even though i've been doing this for 4 months and can eyeball serving sizes, i still sometimes have to break out my scale and weigh my portions to make sure my eyes haven't gotten bigger!

    if you've set your MFP to a weight loss of 1-1.5 lbs, and stay within your calorie goals? you should lose weight no problem, especially at your starting weight. you don't even have to work out if you don't want to and you'll STILL lose weight, although of course working out would be the better and faster way to do it!

    i don't eat a TON of veggies, maybe 1 serving per day if i'm lucky, just because i never have. and i still have bread and rice and pasta everyday. i usually have 2 out of 3 of those every day, but i've cut down my portions to be a cup or less of each and have increased my protein.

    if you've been doing this for a year and can't lose any weight, you're eating too much and not recording. especially if your doc says there's nothing else wrong with you. be honest with your log and log every bite. the weight WILL come off.
  • roz_of_2_boys
    roz_of_2_boys Posts: 14 Member
    I have been frustrated, too. I had 2 babies in less than 2 years and my belly is stretched out and I couldn't seem to lose anything. Then I read this:

    I cut grains down to 1 meal a day (and only in moderation), I increased my water intake, have been really diligent at staying just under my calorie goal, and now that my broken toe is healed, I'm going to start back at circuit training.

    In a week and a half (with no exercise) I lost 8 pounds and 5 inches.

    Sometimes you have to play around with it and find what works. Each body is different. For me, I know I am a carb addict. Rather than cutting back on all carbs (because some are really good for you: fruits and even potatoes...potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals), I decided to cut back only on grains. It is hard - I love breads....L.O.V.E. breads. But it is working and it's worth the struggle to finally see the scales move a bit!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I walk everywhere for exercise and eat lots of fruits and veggies, too. My diary should be public. Feel free to take a look and get some ideas.

    I'm a sugar addict and can't eat in moderation, so I cut it from my diet along with bread and dairy. I eat lentils for protein (1 cup has the protein of 3 eggs), once in a while other beans, a little brown rice, steamed/blanched or stir-fried veggies, apples for snacks, and steel cut oats for breakfast. I drink a lot of water. I also leave my car at home, walk to work and local errands, and try to hike on the weekends. I'm losing 1-2 pounds a week with no problem.

    Whatever you're doing for exercise, increase it and add some different things -- lifting weights, longer distances, different routines. Do something wildly fun for exercise so you really look forward to it. Be sure that you're recording everything you eat.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    I am sorry you are struggling and feeling bad. MFP can help you well with tracking calorie intake so that you can make sure you burn more than you eat. This should get you on track for weight loss.