Tired of thinking about how I need to lose weight

I am pushing 50 (47.5) and every day I THINK about losing weight. I am also trying to cut this out of my diet or that out of my diet, but it never works. Donuts at work? I will have 3!! Because it is always, "OK, I will start tomorrow". I want to be around and healthy in case I have grandkids AND I want to enjoy my life, which is hard now because Im always wanting to be thin and not enjoying anything because I cant think of anything else (other than my next meal). Im sick of it and want to REALLY be successful this time.


  • jenna_nicolo
    jenna_nicolo Posts: 62 Member
    You CAN be successful this time, but it has to be purposeful. In everything we do, there's always tomorrow (this coming from a huge procrastinator myself). All it takes is the next meal to get on the right track, and then the next one, and pretty soon you'll be making better choices with little thought. Start today; *kitten*, start right now. Accountability is where it's at and MFP will make that easier. Makes friends on here and log EVERY DAY. Friend me if you'd like, and good luck!
  • boddy40
    boddy40 Posts: 16 Member
    Im 47 and i have just started here. I have been on a diet for 8 days now and its working. To diet I think you have the right frame of mind. We cant unfortunatley just wish ourselves thinner. I am now in the right frame of mind and I have said that i do not want to be fat at 50. I have changed to a more active job as before i was in an office sat down all day, now i work 4 hours a day as a warehouse picker so thats 4 hours of walking a day which takes care of exercise.
    I used to eat lots of sugary foods and food high in carbs but i just decided right thats it do it, get thin. I tried a low carb diet before but failed on day 2 as i thought i couldnt live without carbs. This time im on day 8 and its all down to willpower.
    Set yourself a future goal (mines to look good in photos whilst on a cruise for my 50th birthday).
    Go get it girl and good luck
  • kevintillack
    kevintillack Posts: 13 Member
    I try and think of it like this...you look at you current day and then look back 1 month ago and think about how fast it has past then, then think wow the last year has gone by in the blink of an eye. then wonder if I started this a month or year ago I could be down this much weight. I was right I did it and list weight, but then lacked off. well 10 month later I realize i could be at my goal weight right now if I had not lacked off. So Im at it again. I started at 340 got to 232, gained back up to 260 and now at 255 and working at it going down. Time passes in the blink of an eye, its hard in the moment, but that time will pass.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Today change 1 habit. Always log honestly before you eat it. So log those doughnuts. Slowly you will change other habits as logging 3 doughnuts might make you question is the deliciousness worth the calories and have you eat say 1 doughnut instead.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    For a month, weigh yourself every day and log the number. Do nothing else. Just that may make you feel more accountable to yourself and ready to do more.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    One of the nice things about MFP is you don't have to stress about every bite of food. You set your calorie goal, you log your food, and as long as you are within your limit whatever you eat is perfectly fine. Want a donut? If you have the calories, have one. Tear one in half if you can afford half a donut. Or don't have one at all. But with regular logging there's no need for the constant nagging GUILT of "Oh, I shouldn't eat things like donuts, I am trying to eat better." When you know where the limits are, you can relax and enjoy food up to your limit.

    I'm a firm believer that most people can't stick with diets that make them miserable. Figure out the things which make you happy about food and find a way to incorporate them into your diet. Instead of salty crunchy chips I eat salty crunchy sliced vegetables. Instead of bunches of cookies I eat a piece of really good dark chocolate. My food now is better than the food I ate before.

  • tomorrowmaynotcome
    tomorrowmaynotcome Posts: 6 Member
    I am the worst procrastinator. I was having some health issues and had promised myself to lose 50lbs by age 50. Didn't happen. I kept telling myself I'll start on next Monday. It took me being diagnosed with Diabetes at 53 and my doctor telling me I was headed to a major health event in the next couple of years if I didn't make a change now. Don't wait until your health finally forces you to make the life style changes.... and that's what it takes...not a diet which tends to imply a short term action but a life style change. I was finally scared into making the changes. I've managed to lose 25lbs over the past 4 months and continue to make adjustments. Think of it as an investment in your future. Wishing you the very best.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    Well you're here and that's a start :)
  • SavageBlonde73
    SavageBlonde73 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi ya :) Thought you might find a challenge motivating and it may help keep you accountable :smiley: Check out our SURVIVOR challenge and join us if you like :wink: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/121901-survivor-challenge
  • dmfitness324
    dmfitness324 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I remember what it was like to always have you next meal in mind.. I suggest intermittent fasting! Do some research on it, but it did help me a lot. Starting intermittent fasting has helped reduce my hunger quite a bit. I do 16/8. Let me know what you think.
  • dazzlingstar1087
    dazzlingstar1087 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the comments most people said. Logging in mfp MAKES a lot of difference. I am always chubby 5'0, and with the heaviest is 162lbs. Last year I decided I will lose weight and the first thing I did is to diligently input my calories, and lost 26lbs in 4months (combined with doing cardio 3-4x a week). I am so surprised how calories add up, how one bit means a lot with regards to accumulating calories. I am amazed and surprised to the point where it disgust me even consider eating chips or sugary stuff instead of a better meal. The way I look at food habits completely change through mfp.
  • tofiggy
    tofiggy Posts: 44 Member
    Log in your food intake every day, makes you feel more accountable for what you eat. And feel free to friend me and we can support each other.