"Cheat" days?



  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    im not really depriving myself at all...so no need for a cheat day. im letting myself eat what i want..like chikfila for lunch today. im cutting back on how much im eating...but its still satisfying me. i just know that it was a high calorie meal so i have to have something lower calorie for dinner. so far ive lost 5lbs in my first 2 weeks so im happy
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    im not really depriving myself at all...so no need for a cheat day. im letting myself eat what i want..like chikfila for lunch today. im cutting back on how much im eating...but its still satisfying me. i just know that it was a high calorie meal so i have to have something lower calorie for dinner. so far ive lost 5lbs in my first 2 weeks so im happy

    This is what I am doing to and have lost 20 lbs in 3 months. I'm not looking to lose extremely fast by depriving myself, because I will just gain it all back. I also know me and if I feel way deprived, I will give up and go back to eating whatever. I am aiming for healthy weight loss. I eat a normal dinner every night, which may be fast food, a restaurant or something at home; I just eat a smaller portion than usual, eat the healthiest foods first, so by the time I reach the 'bad' food, I'm full and only eat a few bites. I also eat very healthy all day, lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains, so I have quite a few calories left for my dinner. I'm a Dr. Pepper addict and allow myself 1 a day, though I don't drink it everyday. I will have a bite of candy if I want it, but not the whole bag, I will usually eat my fruit and veggies first, so that bite or two seems more satisfying. I have a 1,200 calorie a day goal and meet or stay under it most days (if I go over, it is less than 100 or 200 calories). I also will make sure to be under calories for a few days if I know I am going to do something that will cause me more calories that day. I will also add more exercise to make up for the calorie overage, though I am limited on how much I can do, due to spine issues. On the 4th of July for instance, I knew I would be drinking, so I bought V8 to put in my beer, mixed it 1/3 V8 to 2/3 beer, which made it last longer and V8 is low calorie. I don't feel deprived and am very happy with my weight loss and know this is something I can maintain.