HELP! I can't seem to hit my net cals.

how on earth can I get more food in me. I already feel like I'm in a man vs food challenge!
I don't think I've ever hit my net target, I know its been minus a couple of times. but I just can't seem to eat enough.
any help on calorie dense meal would be great!

I already eat nuts/avocado/peanut butter and that sort of thing. :|


  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    Hey! I'm just curious as to what your calorie goal is?
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    1631. so it's not even high! :| I'm 5ft7 and about 209lbs at the moment.
    I'm beginning to think I have a seriously unhealthy relationship with food. :|
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What did you eat before to go over it?
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Avocados, chicken breast, peanut butter, nuts, cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt, eggs, beans.
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    I've only been on MFP for about 20days! before that I was probably eating one disgustingly unhealthy meal a day and drinking shedloads of coke!!!!!!!

    I was always really overly busy with work, working from 5:30am until 8 sometimes 9pm. never had breakfast. usually at a takeaway becuase I was so knackered.

    I eat 5 times a day at the moment to try and get food in over the day. It takes me about 2 hours to eat my meal 4/5. I just seem to get overwhelmed by it.

  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    Avocados, chicken breast, peanut butter, nuts, cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt, eggs, beans.

    apart from the cottage cheese(yuk!-lol)
    I eat all of those!
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Whole milk vs. skim, regular salad dressings vs. lite or fat free...
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    What did you eat before to go over it?


    Not to be rude, but you ate enough over your TDEE to gain before, so you should have no problems hitting goal now.

    Hey, we all did. That's why we're here. No disrespect. :smile:

    But maybe try incorporating full fat dairy, not low fat/cal. Full fat dressing, not low fat/cal. Protein shakes. Lean proteins/canned tuna. Olive oil. Avocados. Nuts. Nut butters. Etc.

    Allow yourself treats, maybe? If you're severe enough under goal, have something you like to bump it up without worrying over how "bad" it could be for you. I've been having trouble reaching goal only because I've started a new job with long hours, so I ate 2 Poptarts yesterday. Worked like a charm.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep up the good work!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Full fat dairy, peanut butter, lean protein, there are many ways. You must learn to eat properly. Under eating is unhealthy too. Figure it out, it's important. Remember, if this is truly a lifestyle change and not just another diet, you have to learn to eat healthy on both sides of the equation, not too much, but not too little either. Good luck.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    1/2 cup of ice cream.
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    For some wanky reasons, I read your title as " HELP! I can't seem to hit my net *cats*." Something is seriously wrong with me.

    Are you sure you're measuring/weighing everything correctly? Because I can easily hit a few thousand cals with nuts alone. It's pretty high in calories.

    The usual suspects when you need to raise your calorie: Nuts (I love cashews!), peanuts, cheeses, avocado, nut butter (peanut/cashews/almond, etc), butter, eggs (another of my favourite), greek yogurt, salmon, etc.

    I *have* to add this: Ice cream.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I've only been on MFP for about 20days! before that I was probably eating one disgustingly unhealthy meal a day and drinking shedloads of coke!!!!!!!

    I was always really overly busy with work, working from 5:30am until 8 sometimes 9pm. never had breakfast. usually at a takeaway becuase I was so knackered.

    I eat 5 times a day at the moment to try and get food in over the day. It takes me about 2 hours to eat my meal 4/5. I just seem to get overwhelmed by it.


    I used to work at a job that required me to be on my feet for 9-10 hrs straight and I would never get a break (yes that's not legal but yeah that's the way it went!). Point being I was exhausted and didn't eat properly and ate really bad foods when I did eat. You need to change your eating. It's hard, but I highly recommend eating something before your shift, something on break (if you get a break, otherwise sneak protein bars at the bathroom if you have to! lol), another snack (let's be honest smokers always get a couple minutes to smoke, you should have time to eat!), and then a meal after work. Eating throughout the day will allow you to bring up your calories, while keeping you feeling full and then more likely to have a healthy meal after work instead of getting take out. Some people prepare their meals for the week once or twice a week. Preparation will help you especially the days you have long shifts.

    EDIT: I used to never eat before my shifts either in the morning, but I started and now it's I can't start my day without some breakfast :) Helps with energy levels too! (I don't drink coffee)
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    What did you eat before to go over it?


    Not to be rude, but you ate enough over your TDEE to gain before, so you should have no problems hitting goal now.

    Hey, we all did. That's why we're here. No disrespect. :smile:

    But maybe try incorporating full fat dairy, not low fat/cal. Full fat dressing, not low fat/cal. Protein shakes. Lean proteins/canned tuna. Olive oil. Avocados. Nuts. Nut butters. Etc.

    Allow yourself treats, maybe? If you're severe enough under goal, have something you like to bump it up without worrying over how "bad" it could be for you. I've been having trouble reaching goal only because I've started a new job with long hours, so I ate 2 Poptarts yesterday. Worked like a charm.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep up the good work!

    like I said I was eating junk everyday and drinking probably 20litres of coke a week. aswell as probably 10pints of full fat milk!
    I've never used to eat breakfast. or lunch. I'd just have a coffee at 5. then eat some junk takeaway when I got in.

    I'm already eating, nuts/chicken/tuna/avocados/peanut butter/cheese/yoghurts.
    I cut full fat milk out-only because I can't control myself. i would drink only that for the rest of my life if i could! :embarassed:

    I'm totally ashamed of how I lived. but I guess that's why i'm here.

    I do workout everyday. usually burning 500+. some days if I cycle i'm burning closer to 1000!
    I'm surprisngly fit for my size! i used to run before my previous job and I worked on sites so I was pretty active with work then.
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    I've only been on MFP for about 20days! before that I was probably eating one disgustingly unhealthy meal a day and drinking shedloads of coke!!!!!!!

    I was always really overly busy with work, working from 5:30am until 8 sometimes 9pm. never had breakfast. usually at a takeaway becuase I was so knackered.

    I eat 5 times a day at the moment to try and get food in over the day. It takes me about 2 hours to eat my meal 4/5. I just seem to get overwhelmed by it.


    I used to work at a job that required me to be on my feet for 9-10 hrs straight and I would never get a break (yes that's not legal but yeah that's the way it went!). Point being I was exhausted and didn't eat properly and ate really bad foods when I did eat. You need to change your eating. It's hard, but I highly recommend eating something before your shift, something on break (if you get a break, otherwise sneak protein bars at the bathroom if you have to! lol), another snack (let's be honest smokers always get a couple minutes to smoke, you should have time to eat!), and then a meal after work. Eating throughout the day will allow you to bring up your calories, while keeping you feeling full and then more likely to have a healthy meal after work instead of getting take out. Some people prepare their meals for the week once or twice a week. Preparation will help you especially the days you have long shifts.

    EDIT: I used to never eat before my shifts either in the morning, but I started and now it's I can't start my day without some breakfast :) Helps with energy levels too! (I don't drink coffee)

    I don't have that job anymore! I left because of stress!!!! also I have pretty much been this size for about 6 years. always exactly the same weight. I got 'fat' when my hormones kicked in at like 14 and I became a lazy teenager!! :|

    I knew it would be hard but what a brainache!
    I measure absolutely everything that goes into me. down to a pinch of salt or squeeze of lemon juice!
  • ddoeren84
    ddoeren84 Posts: 30
    Not eating enough calories seems to be a nice problem to have. I can think of plenty of foods with plenty of calories!

    On a related topic I started this a couple of weeks ago. Does everybody aim to hit their net calories or do you try to eat your calorie goal regardless of exercise? If you re-eat the calories you lost by exercising will exercising help you lose weight?
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    Not eating enough calories seems to be a nice problem to have. I can think of plenty of foods with plenty of calories!

    On a related topic I started this a couple of weeks ago. Does everybody aim to hit their net calories or do you try to eat your calorie goal regardless of exercise? If you re-eat the calories you lost by exercising will exercising help you lose weight?

    you need to eat your net! mfp already gives you a defecit so working out is on top of the cals it's already taken off you! :|
    I wouldn't eat back all of my exercise calories anyway because it's over exagerated. but I am aiming to hit my net. :)
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Have a cheeseburger. They're high in calories and protein.
    .. or an ice cream cone.
    I have to echo what others are saying.
    It seems to be a trend on this site that people are here to lose weight, but "can't eat enough food."
    Unless you're anorexic or bulimic, you can find a way to get your daily cals; without to much trouble.

    If you don't want to eat a meal, drink a whey protein smoothie made with greek yogurt and peanut butter (and whatever else you feel like tossing in).

  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    how on earth can I get more food in me. I already feel like I'm in a man vs food challenge!
    I don't think I've ever hit my net target, I know its been minus a couple of times. but I just can't seem to eat enough.
    any help on calorie dense meal would be great!

    I already eat nuts/avocado/peanut butter and that sort of thing. :|

    If you seriously wants help open your diary so that the people answering your questions can help you, otherwise this is a wasted exercise.
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    Have a cheeseburger. They're high in calories and protein.
    .. or an ice cream cone.
    I have to echo what others are saying.
    It seems to be a trend on this site that people are here to lose weight, but "can't eat enough food."
    Unless you're anorexic or bulimic, you can find a way to get your daily cals; without to much trouble.

    If you don't want to eat a meal, drink a whey protein smoothie made with greek yogurt and peanut butter (and whatever else you feel like tossing in).


    If i wasn't having 'too much trouble' eating then I wouldn't have posted to be honest. I'm trying my best here.
    clearly I can't be anorexic at over 200lb!!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    What did you eat before to go over it?


    Not to be rude, but you ate enough over your TDEE to gain before, so you should have no problems hitting goal now.

    Hey, we all did. That's why we're here. No disrespect. :smile:

    But maybe try incorporating full fat dairy, not low fat/cal. Full fat dressing, not low fat/cal. Protein shakes. Lean proteins/canned tuna. Olive oil. Avocados. Nuts. Nut butters. Etc.

    Allow yourself treats, maybe? If you're severe enough under goal, have something you like to bump it up without worrying over how "bad" it could be for you. I've been having trouble reaching goal only because I've started a new job with long hours, so I ate 2 Poptarts yesterday. Worked like a charm.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep up the good work!

    like I said I was eating junk everyday and drinking probably 20litres of coke a week. aswell as probably 10pints of full fat milk!
    I've never used to eat breakfast. or lunch. I'd just have a coffee at 5. then eat some junk takeaway when I got in.

    I'm already eating, nuts/chicken/tuna/avocados/peanut butter/cheese/yoghurts.
    I cut full fat milk out-only because I can't control myself. i would drink only that for the rest of my life if i could! :embarassed:

    I'm totally ashamed of how I lived. but I guess that's why i'm here.

    I do workout everyday. usually burning 500+. some days if I cycle i'm burning closer to 1000!
    I'm surprisngly fit for my size! i used to run before my previous job and I worked on sites so I was pretty active with work then.

    If you're going by MFP estimated burns, then those are GROSSLY overestimated. Most people in reality can't burn 1,000 doing high energy and strenuous exercise no matter how hard they've tried.

    I suggest only eating back HALF of your exercise calories that MFP allocates. This ensures that things won't be overestimated and you'll still get adequate nutrition.

    If you'd like a more accurate estimation of how much you burn, invest in a heart rate monitor (HRM).