Who does the 5:2?

I've decided to try this method for 2 months and see what results I can achieve. Some nutritionists recommend not doing it longer than 8 weeks at a time. Anyone been doing it longer and have some advice/information from the POV of those who have "been there, done that"? Thanks!:flowerforyou:


  • genkimomof2
    genkimomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    Well, no one responded but in case anyone happens upon this post in the future while doing a search, here's an update:

    I did the 5:2 for the two months as I said. I followed the "rules" as I understood them from several online posts about them. I maintained my weight but did not lose. It WAS fun on the "off" days to eat a bit more and eat what I liked, but the "on" days were very difficult at the end of the day. I would be completely OK until about 5:00 and the rest of the evening was a real slog. To make up for this, I went back to a very old and very unhealthy habit I had when i was younger of eating nothing until 5:00 and then eating all 500 calories at once and it was the only way I could survive. I consider this a very unhealthy way to eat and live, but it was the only way I could stick tot he plan.

    At the end of the day after two months I was exactly the same weight as before the experiment. I returned in October to the MFP way and have lost slowly but steadily since. They way it should be.

    So good job to anyone who has succeeded in this diet. it's not for me.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It was never intentionally meant to be a diet. It was supposed to provide all these health benefits from the "rest" days your system would get and some other nonsense but the diet crowd made it into a diet of eating the 2 500 calorie days but then also eating at a deficit on the other 5 days making it just a low calorie diet all the way around.

    The way you did it was probably as intended because you didn't lose any weight. I'm assuming since you aren't doing it anymore that you didn't experience any of the fabulous regenerative effects of the system rest days either.