2 shakes 1 meal

Hi there has anyone does this kind of diet if so how much were you able to lose? I'm planning on doing it for a month mostly to kick start my weight loss and then slowly wing of the shakes and just eat healthy and less carbs as I have something called PCOS it's a hormonal thing and my body doesn't do well in carbs .


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I did shakes for weight loss, was hungry all the time, lost the weight, then gained the weight back because I learned nothing about my eating habits.

    The problem with shakes is they may not be filling for you. We're not all the same regarding foods we find satiating. Protein, fiber, and fat are the usual suspects but it's a different combo for everyone. That's a good thing to figure out, because it will help during maintenance.

    The problem with shakes is they don't show you where your faults are. Measuring & logging takes an effort (that shakes don't require). That effort will give you tools that will help during maintenance (portion control).

    The problem with shakes is they aren't eating and chewing. That is satisfying for a large number of people.

    Skip the shakes.....just get started with real food. This website is designed for measuring & logging. The vast majority use this site for that purpose. In other words, you won't get much support for skipping all that "hassle."

    Look in the GROUPS section above, I'm sure there is at least one for PCOS.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Sustainable weight loss generally happens when you eat at a deficit the way you mean to eat for life. Unless you're planning on going with shakes and a meal when you reach maintenance, I wouldn't recommend doing it now.

    That also means that unless you plan to never have bread, potatoes, desserts, fast food etc. again... don't cut them out now.

    Plug your stats into MFP, eat the calorie budget they give you, go with a balanced diet of foods you like within that budget, and make room for treats every now and again.

    You can do this!
  • health4me84
    health4me84 Posts: 14 Member
    I also have PCOS / insulin resistance. So I know all about that, carbs etc. I don't think that a lower carb diet is necessarily going to help for the long run, but switching to healthier carbs with fiber and or protein is beneficial. Like the others said above, drinking shakes is not sustainable, which is also why you said to kick start your weight loss. But I have known many woman (mostly in my family) who have or had PCOS and did the shakes (there's a popular one I can't think of the name) and they were never successful do to wanting to actually eat food lol. But if you really want to do a shake, then make that sucker into a good meal. Sometimes for breakfast I will have Vega Protein with greens, unsweetened almond milk, natural peanut butter, small banana, frozen berries and my Inositol. There is nothing wrong with having a smoothie to substitute a meal, just make sure to add some good stuff into it to and have some healthy snacks in between. There is a great PCOS group on here if you search PCOS in the search bar and in my opinion google Inositol powder. Seriously loving this stuff for my PCOS and weight loss. I could not do Metformin as it killed my belly, but loving Inositol. Just a thought for a fellow PCOS friend.

    You got this!