sitting on your butt at work for 8 hours

herky Posts: 68 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm a college student, but I'm spending my summer working 40 hours a week at a publishing company. This means I sit at a desk and stare at a computer screen for 8 hours a day. (which I happen to be at right now :happy: ) I know tons of you out there probably have been doing this for years, and I know that this is in my future after college, so how do you deal with it? I feel like I don't burn a single calorie while I'm here and that my butt will eventually be glued to this chair.

Any tips on how to maybe be a little more active at work? I get up often to fill my water and go to the bathroom and just stretch my legs a bit, but any advice would be helpful!!


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I try to be as active as I can at home. I walk at lunch sometimes. I went from a job being on my feet all day to sitting all day and gained 20 lbs the first year. It doesn't help that these people ALWAYS have junk to eat and want to share everything with you which is really nice but I just can't do it.

  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I work out after work.. I work computer support and I am in the same scenerio, you can try to walk around some, but its gonna be mainly exercise outisde the job
  • I'm in the same position. Sometimes I just wanna drive a pencil through my Since starting my job in (Feb) I've actually gained 10 pounds which is very sad, as oppossed to my last job where I was on my feet for 8 hours moving around and still had energy by the time I got home to actually work out and managed to lose 19 pounds. But yes, i get up and use the restroom, fill up my water bottle etc. So you're not alone. But sometimes when no one is in the restroom I do 2 sets of 10, squats, and about 30 jumping jacks. Sounds crazy but it does burn a few calories. =) Hope that helps!!!
  • The first thing I do every day when I get home is workout (which consists of putting in a work-out dvd, usually p90x). I don't allow myself to do anything else in the evening until I'm done. If you make routine out of it, it is harder to push out of the way. Also, NOT eating all the cake, doughnuts, ice cream, and cookies people try to convince you to eat on a daily basis is a must. You have to politely decline no matter how many times the same person asks you -- and believe me because I work with some real food pushers who love to bring homemade everything into the office. All and all I've been out of college for 2 years now working 40 hrs a week in front of a computer screen and have actually lost weight (although my weight loss ticker doesn't show it because I started using this site after the weight loss), so as long as you monitor your food and exercise you'll be fine.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Yup, I work at a software company. A lot of my coworkers have stability balls in addition to their desk chairs, so they can sometimes use the ball, sometimes just sit. I want to get one too; I'll let you know how they do once I try it. :smile:
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member

    Thanks for sharing!!

    I also sit at a desk for 8 hours so I just try to get up as much as I can and walk around. We have a nice big parking lot that I walk around in sometimes just toget my blood flowing! Most of my exercise though is done after. I am on here A LOT during work so it keeps me motivated to exercise after work, lol
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member
    Take messages to the other person instead of e-mailing them. If your office has stairs, use them and not the lift. Go for a walk during lunch
  • It isn't easy... I frequent the bathroom and the lunch room to fill my water. I use the bathroom on the next floor up, so I get in a flight of stairs. I also get out for a walk on my lunch break - if I feel energetic enough I tackle the 7 flights of stairs from my office to the main floor in my building. But, for the most part, I try and get my activity in after work. There is a fitness class at the gym which fits my schedule perfectly. It makes for a long day, but I feel stronger for it.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I go for short walks, then go for one on my lunch break, and I built myself a standing workstation - I have one seated workstation (laptop) and a monitor / keyboard setup that runs thru my laptop as a standing station. That way I'm not sitting on my butt all day.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I try to get up and move, even if I just have to go to the bathroom, I walk briskly (I wear heals, so I'm working my legs and calves, too:happy: ). I'm well known at work for the sound of my "foot-steps" :tongue:
    I also do some "desk" stretches which help (stretching is key to staying shape, the more limber the healthier your joints & muscles). I plan on getting another set of ankles weights to keep at work so while I'm sitting, I can do some leg lifts and stuff to help as well (don't go overboard on the work ankle weights, I'm only getting 1.5-2lb per ankle so I don't break something in the process).
    One other thing I found helps, a lot!, is I wake up extra early & do my 45-50 min routine before I shower: this gets my blood pumping and wakes me up & gives me the energy I need to get through the day (of course by 20:00 I'm dead tired, but that means I sleep better :happy: ). It also means I am exercising at least 5 days a week, which is an extra bonus.
    I wish you best of luck & know there are thousands of others out there with you for support & that extra motivational push :flowerforyou:
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm in the same position. Sometimes I just wanna drive a pencil through my Since starting my job in (Feb) I've actually gained 10 pounds which is very sad, as oppossed to my last job where I was on my feet for 8 hours moving around and still had energy by the time I got home to actually work out and managed to lose 19 pounds. But yes, i get up and use the restroom, fill up my water bottle etc. So you're not alone. But sometimes when no one is in the restroom I do 2 sets of 10, squats, and about 30 jumping jacks. Sounds crazy but it does burn a few calories. =) Hope that helps!!!

    That is an awesome idea! I am gonna be doing that monday onwards! Lol :flowerforyou:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I go for short walks, then go for one on my lunch break, and I built myself a standing workstation - I have one seated workstation (laptop) and a monitor / keyboard setup that runs thru my laptop as a standing station. That way I'm not sitting on my butt all day.

    I realllllly want a standing workstation...i just think better standing up...hahaha!!!!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I try to take the long way or stairs to a destination such as the printer, bathroom, or other departments. It may not be much but it can add up. I also walk for half of my lunch hour in the parking lot. We have a target about two blocks away, so on days when I eat at my desk, I take my lunch hour, walk to Target and just do a little window shopping.

    My job is the kind where I don't know if I'm going to be out in the field or not that day, so I do get more movement that way, but it's not guaranteed.

    Working out after work, though is a must.

    I have been working both desk and on-me-feet jobs all my life so I have been through both scenarios.

    Lots of luck and just keep on moving and eating as well as you can.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    what Lryerse said!

    The only thing I would add is that I find a lot of people munch on crap all day long. I NEVER bring any snacks to work or keep a snack drawer or anything like that. I believe those things tend to be more harm than good (idc how healthy the protein bar may be on its own, when there's a BOX of them in your drawer that's a recipe for disaster!)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I feel your pain. I too am like the rest of the posters, I work 40 hoursish at a desk. I have a hard time being able to stop work for a lunch break. I usually just eat at my desk while I continue work. But I have found some tricks that help me get up and move.

    I go to the potty at least once an hour (due to water consumption levels). I usually wont go to the one right by my office but I will walk to a further away one on the same floor. I make sure I drink only water at work and have to constantly refill my water bottle. I also work out right after work. I bring my clothes with and go down immediately, that way the exercise is built into my day and I dont go home without getitng in at least 30 mins. The other thing we occasionally do is dance party time. Another coworker and I will get up and dance to a song that comes on randomly (usually one that has a fast beat).
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I am also a cubicle monkey -- Most times I just make it a priority to work out before and/or after work and remain active with my family, but if I'm feeling antsy I go to a little-used stairwell and hike up and down it a few times. Does not work quite as well in heels, so I've got extra sneakers at my desk in case I want to do stairs or go for a walk during lunch.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I'm in the same boat myself. I spent 3 years working 60+ hours in the retail world so I was always on my feet and never sat! For the past two years I've been an admin for a life insurance company and all I do is sit all day and I'm glued to the phone, so I don't have much chance to get up. I stretch out when I go for a bathroom break or to get water or make my lunch. When I go to use the copier I move around a lot, even if it means I just walk around in circles in a small space - lol. Wonder if my upper management would go for me sitting on a stability ball? Not sure that would fly as I'm admin/receptionist/do it all gal and am the first person people see when they walk in... :laugh:
  • drinking a ton of water will get you off your butt a bunch to use the restroom. It also keeps your metabolism going. other then that welcome to working in corp america!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Try sitting on an exercise ball instead of an office chair!
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