In need of some friends and motivators!

aympwm Posts: 5 Member
Hello all! I've been at this for about less than 2 weeks now and want to know if anyone would like to be friends! It's kind of hard with all the foods that I love are all around me, especially at home, e.g. ice-cream, cake, cookies, brownies, potato chips, etc, you name it, we have it! It's also hard for me because my husband and I eat our most of our meals together (especially on weekends and dinner everyday) and I help him by giving him smaller portions as we have food on one plate, then we take a bite each. So I help him eat less, but it doesn't help me eat less, in fact, it makes me eat MORE! Suggestions?


  • megansims1
    megansims1 Posts: 26 Member
    Added! I'm in a similar situation with my partner however my partner needs to put weight on. He would easily have a calorie deficit - he doesn't eat unless he's hungry. But he loves a good serving of homemade brownies, chips, chocolate.. you name it. I have no self control. But I'm going to try to resist temptation and lose weight. From today forward we're living by - breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. I'll cry if he bring home a value pack of chocolates though!
  • DCustard67
    DCustard67 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, My name is David and just turned 50 a week ago. Most of April and part of May was spent in a hospital bed. First for cellulitis and a few other things then for blot clots in the lungs. It's been a hard road back, had to learn to walk again and actually still using oxygen at night with my cpap. I was put on a 2000mg sodium and 145 carbs a day health plan, and for the most part I've done pretty good. While I was in the hospital for the 26 days I lost 75 pounds due to not eating much and losing a lot of fluid in my legs. But the weight is starting to creep back up, and those bad habits are starting to take over. My wife tries so hard to help but when it comes to food and sticking to this health plan we are not good for each other. I really could use some outside help from people in the same boat as me. I could really use some friends!
  • elliehortin
    elliehortin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - I'm Ellie, and I started this a couple of days ago. I am very very overweight (probably weighing in around 21 stone), and am very restricted in what I can do. But I have a wonderful friend who is also a member here, who is encouraging me to get going on the long road to a fitter me.

    So far, I have two days where I did some extra activity - some squats and bicep curls with dumbbells, plus going up and down stairs a couple of extra times - and I have tracked my calories and come in under my limit for the day.

    I know this doesn't sound like much, but it is huge, for me. This has to work, otherwise I will very soon end up totally housebound, unable to do anything much at all.