Back problems

sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
edited July 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
So, a few month back, I was in a car accident and it has caused me lower back pain. I can't walk, sit or lay without it hurting but I need to get some exercise to help me lose weight again. Can anyone suggest some gentle exercise? Thank you.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    Have you been cleared by your medical team?

    I have a lower back injury and I find swimming and walking to be really good. Any core routine is helpful to support my spine - you can Google core exercise. I do quite a lot of stretches, too.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    So, a few month back, I was in a car accident and it has caused me lower back pain. I can't walk, sit or lay without it hurting but I need to get some exercise to help me lose weight again. Can anyone suggest some gentle exercise? Thank you.

    Talk to the Doctor/PT that the insurance company of the at fault driver is paying for.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    I need to get some exercise to help me lose weight again.

    Lots of people have lost weight without exercising. Fat loss only requires consuming fewer calories than you burn. :+1:
  • CookiesBeGone
    CookiesBeGone Posts: 31 Member
    The only low impact exercise I can think of is swimming. As long as you're physically okay to do exercise as advised by your doctor.
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I spoke to my doctor and he encouraged me to do stretching exercises
  • fjmartini
    fjmartini Posts: 1,149 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I spoke to my doctor and he encouraged me to do stretching exercisest

    It sounds like you've got a nerve issue. Try stretching but if that doesn't work ask about options for pinched nerves.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    edited August 2017
    I am recovering from a horrible back pain. I was doing elliptical and swimming while recovering from the injury. Your situation may be different though, did your doctor recommend some type of stretching exercises? From experience I can tell you that the back is not something to take lightly. One day I was training for a 10K and the next day I was wondering if I was going to be able to walk normally again. Luckily I (partially) recovered, but I still have an appointment with my doctor next week. Good luck to you...
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    fjmartini wrote: »
    sewiggle wrote: »
    Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I spoke to my doctor and he encouraged me to do stretching exercisest

    It sounds like you've got a nerve issue. Try stretching but if that doesn't work ask about options for pinched nerves.

    My doctor said it sounds like it is musculoskeletal but thanks for the advice
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    ABabilonia wrote: »
    I am recovering from a horrible back pain. I was doing elliptical and swimming while recovering from the injury. Your situation may be different though, did your doctor recommend some type of stretching exercises? From experience I can tell you that the back is not something to take lightly. One day I was training for a 10K and the next day I was wondering if I was going to be able to walk normally again. Luckily I (partially) recovered, but I still have an appointment with my doctor next week. Good luck to you...

    Oh dear, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm glad you are recovering though. My doctor told me to do yoga stretches like downward dog etc.
  • tjohnson29
    tjohnson29 Posts: 12 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    So, a few month back, I was in a car accident and it has caused me lower back pain. I can't walk, sit or lay without it hurting but I need to get some exercise to help me lose weight again. Can anyone suggest some gentle exercise? Thank you.

    Kathy smith 20 minutes a day!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    sewiggle wrote: »
    Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I spoke to my doctor and he encouraged me to do stretching exercises

    Your Doctor is a good start BUT you really need to talk with a good Physical Therapist. The PT will be better able to fit a work out to your needs and condition.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    You were in a car accident a few months ago, you just went to a doctor because you're still hurting months later, and all he recommended was stretching exercises? What? What the everlasting hell kind of doctor is this? Was there ANY diagnosis at all via an MRI, an Xray, or scan right after the accident? Did you not see a doctor right after the accident?

    If it hurts you to move (walk, sit, lay down....ummm, that covers it), and you haven't had any sort of actual diagnosis, GET ONE NOW. Get an MRI, stat.

    Will stretching be good? Yeah, probably...but if you're still in pain after an accident, for god's sake, something may really be wrong, and you may need physical therapy, chiropractic, whatever, to get on the path to wellness. GET HELP NOW. And good luck.

    Someone who herniated 4 discs with one sneeze, and spent her 30th birthday lying in bed in excruciating pain, who ended up seeing doctor after doctor until she finally gave up and went to a chiropractor who saved her freaking life and is now 55, lifting weights, and having a great life. Who would probably be crippled if she didn't take her health care into her own hands.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    There are a lot of beginner yoga video's on youtube you can even specify for lower back pain I have degenerative disk disease in my lower back and it really helps.
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    You were in a car accident a few months ago, you just went to a doctor because you're still hurting months later, and all he recommended was stretching exercises? What? What the everlasting hell kind of doctor is this? Was there ANY diagnosis at all via an MRI, an Xray, or scan right after the accident? Did you not see a doctor right after the accident?

    If it hurts you to move (walk, sit, lay down....ummm, that covers it), and you haven't had any sort of actual diagnosis, GET ONE NOW. Get an MRI, stat.

    Will stretching be good? Yeah, probably...but if you're still in pain after an accident, for god's sake, something may really be wrong, and you may need physical therapy, chiropractic, whatever, to get on the path to wellness. GET HELP NOW. And good luck.

    Someone who herniated 4 discs with one sneeze, and spent her 30th birthday lying in bed in excruciating pain, who ended up seeing doctor after doctor until she finally gave up and went to a chiropractor who saved her freaking life and is now 55, lifting weights, and having a great life. Who would probably be crippled if she didn't take her health care into her own hands.

    I did see a doctor immediately after and had a CT scan, the one I have just seen recently was my GP.

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles but you have a great success story and are very inspiring :)
  • sewiggle
    sewiggle Posts: 50 Member
    Treece68 wrote: »
    There are a lot of beginner yoga video's on youtube you can even specify for lower back pain I have degenerative disk disease in my lower back and it really helps.

    Thank you, I'll look into those and I'm glad you found something to help :)
  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    Check out DDP Yoga. It was designed to heal (the founder had blown out his L4 and L5). You can see lots of examples and inspiration on youtube. You can get workouts on DVD, but there is also an incredible app called DDP Yoga Now. You can get a great cardio workout at the same time as strength and flexibility. I do it almost every day. Love it.
  • Andy10725
    Andy10725 Posts: 68 Member
    Aqua aerobics. Or just walking around in the pool. Water should help reducing stress on your bones and provide muscle work. Should check with your doc to see if that's ok. Sometimes the best thing to do is to recover first. Learnt it the hard way.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Yes yoga is a great solution for back pain. Really helped me out after 2 years of suffering.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    @sewiggle so what did the original CT scan indicate? It's concerning that if it showed just muscular injury, I would think you'd be at least on a trajectory of feeling improvement, but it sounds like you're still in quite a bit of pain.

    For me, anyway, I've discovered that when my back does hurt (muscularly), light moving is better than lying down or sitting. I always feel better after walking, and yes, (give credit where due) stretching. Good ideas from folks on here. If you continue to suffer, though, you may have to dig a bit deeper into what's continuing to keep you from getting better.

    I know I probably came across as screeching in my earlier post, but I have seen over and over the medical field just not quite know what to do with someone with a sore back. So my hackles get up when I hear about someone suffering and doctors sort of going "well, keep stretching." That kind of response drives me nuts on behalf of the suffering one (i.e., you).

    CT scans don't often pick up things like disc bulges and pinched nerves, so please do continue staying on top of your health. I just had a friend who, while her back wasn't hurting, was experiencing shooting pains all down one leg, and she literally was bedridden for THREE months. Doctors were telling her it was her hamstring. One even said she had a hamstring avulsion (complete tear off the bone). Well, after significant meds and no improvement, and finally an MRI on her back, it showed several bulging discs and lots of stuff going on in her back. Not one doctor suggested chiropractic. I did, she said she had nothing to lose, and after her first visit, for the first time in months, she felt better. Continual visits a couple times/week, and physical therapy with traction, has helped relieve pressure on those discs. She's up and around, no surgery, doing really well, no thanks to any of the multiple doctors she saw.

    Weird. I recommended seeing a doctor, but I also know that often, they're just not much help. Just take care of yourself, and I wish you the best!