walking, riddle me this...

I was looking up things about walking as exercise and for the most part the articles were saying it was pointless unless you're walking this fast or this long etc. I've been walking around the neighborhood twice which is about a mile and I'm sweaty and feel it working my muscles and it gets my heart rate up.

So my question is, should I be doing more for it to even be doing anything? (Sorry if this is hard to understand lol just woke up)

For reference, my current weight is 344, I'm 5'3", I've been walking about a mile at a little under 30 minutes.


  • canarysal
    canarysal Posts: 118 Member
    Any exercise has got to be better than none. Slow and steady wins this particular race. As your fitness improves you'll walk further and faster. Keep going, better than sitting still .....
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I was looking up things about walking as exercise and for the most part the articles were saying it was pointless unless you're walking this fast or this long etc. I've been walking around the neighborhood twice which is about a mile and I'm sweaty and feel it working my muscles and it gets my heart rate up.

    So my question is, should I be doing more for it to even be doing anything? (Sorry if this is hard to understand lol just woke up)

    For reference, my current weight is 344, I'm 5'3", I've been walking about a mile at a little under 30 minutes.

    Sounds like you have a great start! Any time you are up off the couch and moving, you are burning more calories.

    You are doing this the right way. Do what you can now and build up. When you are feeling that you can, work towards longer distance or faster speed.

    I tell everyone: make sure you have good, supportive shoes and thick, absorbent socks. Your feet, knees, and back will thank you down the road.

    Those articles are bunk (probably aimed for people who are already fit and need to know how to maximize their walking).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What tosh are you reading that says walking is no good?!

    Any exercise is better than no exercise!

    This, absolutely this.
    And, at a higher weight, walking is quite a strenuous exercise. Keep doing what you're doing, and add more time/distance as you can. Slowly.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    What everyone else said.

    This is the time to download Pokemon Go, or some audiobooks you're only allowed to listen to while walking, and walk.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    What everyone else said.

    This is the time to download Pokemon Go, or some audiobooks you're only allowed to listen to while walking, and walk.

    I agree that music or audiobooks or a radio station or geocaching/Pokemon Go are all great when walking. Anything that makes it more enjoyable for you.

    I do audiobooks when I swim (waterproof IPod and waterproof earbuds). Personally, I prefer to not listen to anything when walking. I love the sounds of nature and small town living. easier to greet the neighbors and get to know the dogs who get walked on my path.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I was looking up things about walking as exercise and for the most part the articles were saying it was pointless unless you're walking this fast or this long etc. I've been walking around the neighborhood twice which is about a mile and I'm sweaty and feel it working my muscles and it gets my heart rate up.

    So my question is, should I be doing more for it to even be doing anything? (Sorry if this is hard to understand lol just woke up)

    For reference, my current weight is 344, I'm 5'3", I've been walking about a mile at a little under 30 minutes.

    Keep doing that, and when you're able ... walk further. :)

    Absolutely this.

    Walking doesn't burn that many calories when you're within a healthy BMI range as you burn less calories just existing and you're carrying less. At your current size walking is plenty strenuous! You can imagine how much strapping on a heavy backpack or any resistance increases the calorie expenditure of a simple exercise.

    Keep going, and you can increase your distance over time. :)
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    walking is great exercise, especially at higher body weights. Keep walking. Even just standing can be exercise, so stand instead of sitting whenever possible. Start out slow but keep in mind progression is important too, as you lose weight and get fitter, set yourself a goal to walk in a 5K, and then next goal to run the 5K. you'll be fit and healthy before you know it.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    OP, many transition from walking to running but don't feel like this is the way you have to do it. Do what is working for you and what you enjoy. Progression is key . . . keep building up distance and/or speed as you are able to.
  • TeethOfTheHydra
    TeethOfTheHydra Posts: 63 Member
    I think 30 minutes daily is a perfectly fine goal. It keeps your metabolism online and I think that's priority #1. If you're eating well, your body will drop weight as long as you keep the fire burning.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You are doing great! nearly Everyone on here started walking, if they had much to lose. Just keep adding time every few weeks as you are able. 3 years ago I could not walk more than 1/4 mile without excruciating pain & needing a rest and water. Now I can hike all day, run, swim, and do almost anything I want to. Take it one step at a time (no pun intended.)
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Walking is excellent for exercising.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Any exercise is better than none! I walk about 20-30 minutes per day. It takes me 20 minutes on average to walk 1 mile so I usually get 1-1.5 miles on my treadmill.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I'm sweaty and feel it working my muscles and it gets my heart rate up.

    that's all you need to know. when you're reading stuff, it's good to consider the source and who they might be assuming they're talking to. one person's 'nothing' is another persons' perfect workout, for where they're positioned right now.

  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    I've lost all 37lbs just walking 10k steps a day (some days even more).
  • danmason2025
    danmason2025 Posts: 2 Member
    We all must begin somewhere, before we can run a marathon we must take the first step. Build slowly day by day as you grow stronger your muscles will grow and tone up. Then you can ask more of them. Also as you lose weight, you do not want to lose weight too rapidly that can lead to many problems, by slowly increasing day by day your body will better absorb all the excess over time.