Venting......up 1/2 #?

Just have to vent a little!
So I looked at my numbers so far this month and am frustrated!
Since 7/1 (8 days), I ate 11,826 calories.
I exercised 7 out of the 8 days, for 4855 exercise calories burned. (I had excercised the previous 12 days so took 1 day off).
My BMR is calculated at 1392, so x 8 = 11,136. Add that to my exercise calories, I "burned" 15,991.
Calories in minus calories burned: 11,826 - 15,991 = -4165 . This should have resulted in at least a pound lost, right?
But no, I'm up 1/2#. :noway:

So frustrated.:explode: All I can figure out is It could be TOM coming up. I didn't write the last one down - I'm very, very irregular (cycle anywhere from 29-56 days) so it's impossible for me to remember if I don't write it down, and I just didn't record it last time, so hopefully that will explain it whenever it decides to happen.

I am very faithful (if not obsessed) in recording everything I eat, and I ate back at least 1/2 of my exercise calories every day.
I had changed this a few weeks ago as I used to eat all of my excercise calories back but was at a plateau. In early-mid June, I increased my exercise and then ate only 1/2 of them back, and ended up getting off the plateau and having a good weight loss I was very happy with.
Now it appears I'm at a plateau again, or even worse, going the wrong way. Sigh.



  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    It probably is your TOM so don't stress! if you have an iphone you can download a period tracker, before I got it i could never keep track of when I was due (terrible memory!).
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I feel your pain! TOM just started last Sunday... a whole week early :grumble: which means it will go an extra week out of spite:mad: , but I've also been stuck trying to get my last 11 lbs to go away. I exercise 5-6 days a week for at least 50 mins each time, sometimes I go all 7 days & on off days I do an extra hour or I do vigorous house cleaning with ankle & waist weight belts for added umph! AND STILL IT WONT GO AWAY :grumble: :mad: :explode:
    But, I will not give up: I got this far and I've toned up and I want to be healthy for life so I will not quit. Muscle also weighs more than fat, so while I've lost 9lbs in fat, I figure I've gained about 5 in muscle - which means I fit into smaller shirts and my pants fit so much better (plus I don't mind showing off my figure sometimes :tongue: )
    I'm here for you if you need some support: it's frustrating as nothing ever before, by WE CAN DO THIS. As my Baby Sister says "GRRR at it:devil: "
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Ok. WHOA. I read that wrong! I thought you said you ate almost 12,000 calories in ONE DAY!! Hahaha. Now I understand. I was going to be a little impressed that you could shove that much in your body!

    I wouldn't worry about it. Watch your sodium levels and keep doing what you're doing. Stressing over it won't help. Sorry. I know that's not what you wanted to hear.
  • kpie11
    kpie11 Posts: 53
    Last year when I was doing WW when it was my TOM I went up 4 lbs. Don't get frustrated. I would maybe try to cut back on the excercise calories that you eat. Maybe this will help a little. Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat too! Just think of this as another reason to be more focused and determined. Don't let mother nature push you off track and if she does, just push her @$$ back out of the way! :devil:

    It's all just part of the journey. I have faith in you!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    8 days and 1/2 pound are nothing. Nothing at all. If you weigh yourself, then drink a nice tall glass of water - and then weigh yourself again,,, you will find that you've "gained" a pound. You really cannot count those little onesie-towosies over a short period of time. They don't mean anything.

    Weigh yourself at the same time/condition/clothing (I do mornings, right after BRoom&shower, nude) and watch for longer term trends. Up and down 1 or 2 pounds in the short term are completely meaningless. I remember driving myself crazy with that stuff and there's no point.

    You know you can eat nothing but a taco for breakfast - a taco for lunch and a taco for dinner and drink nothing but water and I'll guarantee you you'll be 2 pounds heavy the next day on 600 lousy calories. Just salt & water. C'ya.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I gain 6 pounds (yes, I said SIX POUNDS) every month when I'm on my cycle. SIX POUNDS! I just keep chugging away at it, knowing that by the end of the week, perhaps it'll show seven pounds less. : )
  • KCmom
    KCmom Posts: 124
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I'll keep plugging away......the numbers show I should be losing, so hopefully in a week or two the scale will reflect that!
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I had this same issue this morning, I had just weighed myself 2 days ago and suddenly I've gained 4lbs I was like there's NO WAY, then I remembered I'm about to start so looks like I won't be weighing myself for another 2 weeks depending on when I actually start. boo for TOM weight. :mad:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I'll keep plugging away......the numbers show I should be losing, so hopefully in a week or two the scale will reflect that!

    You are fighting so hard and exercising so well and your eating too. The scales will reflect it in the end, just don't give in x
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    your BMR seems quite low, are you sure that is correct?
  • KCmom
    KCmom Posts: 124
    your BMR seems quite low, are you sure that is correct?

    My weight, age, height is recorded correctly in the BMI calculator in theTools section, so I just went off what it said.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    well BMR is the starting need to multiply it by a factor to determine how many calories you need each if you are working out you should have probably eaten more calories /day then you did...which could be why you had a stall in your weight loss.

    you said you ate back half of your exercise calories but based on your calorie equation it doesn't seem that you did? i only see an 800 calorie difference from your BMR.

    That being said, 0.5 lb is not a huge deal (i know it seems like it). Just keep strong and keep going and i hope you see a change next week :)
  • KCmom
    KCmom Posts: 124

    you said you ate back half of your exercise calories but based on your calorie equation it doesn't seem that you did? i only see an 800 calorie difference from your BMR.

    MFP starts me at 1200 cal/day. Here is the breakdown of my food calories in and my excercise calories:
    7/1 Ate 1551 excercised 732 calories (so technically, if I ate all of my ex calories, I would have been 1200 + 732, so 1932 "allowed", right?).
    7/2 1549 in, excercised 780.
    7/3 1601 in, exercised 800.
    7/4 1570 in, exc. 750 calories, etc, etc.

    I don't know - I didn't get the calculator out to see for sure, but just eye balling it, maybe most of the time I ate back around half the excercise calories.
    I'll just have to keep at it, drink my water, work out, etc! I was just hoping for the scale to move this past week so I was bummed this morning! It's a long race not a sprint!
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Maybe you are drinking to much water? That can add on.