Keeping in shape while on any type of trip

I'm going to Dragon Con in Atlanta for Labor Day Weekend, and I've already set some good goals for myself:

Do as much walking as I possibly can while I'm there. I plan to start with not using the elevator or escalator unless I'm utterly exhausted. And for fun, instead of watching the parade, I'll be marching in the parade in my Cure Moonlight costume! (I'll get a pic of myself in it as soon as I get a better glove, a couple of bows, and some felt for the boots.) Also, I will take advantage of the exercise facilities early each morning to get my day going.

Here's what she looks like.

Also, try to watch very carefully what and how much I eat. I worked too hard to lose the weight I did for the past year and really do not want to gain any weight if I can help it. I know of at least a couple of places already to my liking: Yum Bunz (everything is STEAMED, which is perfect) and a vegan place somewhere in Peachtree Mall. I also plan to bring a lot of things that don't require refrigeration or heating: Nutri-Grain cereal bars, Fiber-One brownies, Special K pastry crisps, Special K Cereal (can get milk downstairs), go to Subway for a good breakfast, etc.

An absolute must is water. I won't drink soda or alcohol. However, I may put some Propel lemonade flavor into water for a little flavor.

Do you have any rituals whenever you're on any type of trip (vacation, business, convention, etc.)?


  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    My big trips (a week or longer, and usually in faraway places like Hawaii) are usually taken with my parents, brother, and his girlfriend so we always get a suite with a kitchen, go to the nearest Costco, and stock up on healthy things to cook for ourselves during the trip. That always saves money, and makes it a lot easier to eat healthy. I've started getting friends to do things more this way when we do our budget-tight, early 20's, squeeze every drop of fun out of this dime trips. I'm the planner in my friends group, so I try to make sure we have enough people to make a suite with a kitchen the best option, or if we're camping I plan all the meals in advance so we're still getting our camp food, but we have healthier options and more things like carrots and snap peas to snack on instead of chips or candy.

    Also, I've found that everyone enjoys the trip more if we're doing things. Sometimes I plan things that will specifically help me with my goals, but everyone enjoys, like a hike or kayaking or paddleboarding to get some cardio in, instead of planning things like booze cruises or pub crawls. I try to base the fun things we do around actually doing stuff, rather than food or drinking, and my friends have noticed the difference and like it.

    I know this makes me sound like a scary, type A planner that forces my will on everyone I travel with, but the group of friends I generally travel with have known me for 15+ years, and have always depended on me to make the plans (and I love planning trips) so it isn't as crazy as it seems.

    I do totally struggle when I'm going to out of town weddings though, as those usually involve a weekend of driving after work, picking up fast food so I don't have to stop for long, a drink or two when I get to my destination, snacking while getting ready the morning of, booze and wedding feast, going out after, and then a big brunch the next morning before I am in the car again. I'm trying to bring along healthy snacks, and as my friends are getting older and facing some changes (new, work based lifestyle, metabolism shifts, et cetera) veggies and fruit are always on the snacking menu now, but I love wedding revelry, so for the next wedding I'm going to, I'm planning on being really good all week, getting some cardio in at the hotel early in the morning, then just letting loose and not stressing at the wedding. Unless anyone has better tips!
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss and have a blast! I've been to D*C once (5 years ago) -- what an amazing experience. The con hotel was so packed I couldn't do anything aerobic -- even taking the stairs had to be done in slo-mo. :-)

    I'm not currently going to cons, but when I did I looked for discount hotel rooms that had a fridge and got my food from the local grocery. (I got at least part of my workout by walking from where I was staying to the con hotel.) I carried my own silverware, can opener, and mini-cooler, plus non-perishables. And I stayed away from the Con Suite, which typically only has junk food.

    That'll be a sweet costume. Have a great time!