Sparkles and Butt Kicking :D

Waffela Posts: 3 Member
Hi everyone! <3

I'm 25 and in the UK and looking to make a few friends for mutual encouragement and support around here. <3:D

I've struggled with my weight for over a decade, since I was a child, and as an adult have never been outside of an obese BMI.

I have 130lbs to lose. From my highest weight I have already lost 28lbs and kept it off for 2 years, but recently I have suspected that my knees are pre-osteoarthritic (if not already) and I have blood sugar swings akin to pre-diabetes. Before, my reasons to lose were purely vanity. Now, I am realising that my body is damaged and whilst I can't reverse it, I can make it more manageable and prevent it worsening. So that's why I'm here for the 50th and final time. :D

I want my body to be in it's best possible condition for my future, which is really just beginning, as I am planning to move out with my partner (flying the nest for the first time) in the coming months. :D

Feel free to add me if you're up for encouragement, body positivity, getting back up, and sparkly hugs :D<3


  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome. I'm new here too and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic a couple of years ago. Essentially, you cannot reverse the prediabetes (or diabetes), but you can get to normal glucose numbers and prevent it from being full blown T-2 diabetes and subsequently warding off damage as a result. Regarding your suspicions, I suggest you see a doctor. He/she will confirm and hopefully steer you on the right path. Incidentally, Type 2 diabetes is hereditary.