Power 90 and weight loss

Has anybody done Power 90 and gained weight. I am two weeks into the program and I have gained 2 pounds. Prior to doing Power 90 I was doing the Biggest Loser Last Chance workout and I steadily lost 1-2 lbs. a week. I changed because I was getting bored. I'm looking for opinions on whether I should keep going with Power 90 or go back the Last Chance?


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    It's probably water rentention due to your muscles going through a workout they're not used to and therefore holding on to water to help repair your muscles. Once you're body gets used ot your new routine, it will let go of the water and you will start to see a drop in the scale. Also, make sure to do measurements because as you lose fat with P90, you're also building muscle which can offset on the scale and not show progress, even though you're clothes will start to fit better.

    Just hang in there - this is one of those times where patience definitely pays off.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey, I am on day 39 of Power 90 (level 3/4) I have lost 6 pounds. I was doing the 30 day shred before and not losing anything. I had hit a platuea and actually was gaining weight. I also like to switch things up to stay motivated. I would say give it another week and see where you are. Weights go up and down all the time. (for guys too). I like the biggest loser boot camp - have you tried that?

    I know everyone is different and you have to do what is right for you. Your body will let you know. I like power 90 because I am getting so much stronger. I can finally do one full pull up (yeah for me) and a couple of cheat ones (I stand on my step) ! Plus I am seeing results. The 30 day pics showed noticable differences. But, you have to do what is right for you.

    I must add that I also switched up my diet ( due to being stuck at the same weight and going up for 3 months) I started the South beach diet one week after I started Power 90. So maybe the weight loss is more to due with South beach. I am now only 4 pounds from my goal weight.

    I probably didn't help...sorry!

    Good luck and have a happy healthy day!!!!