T25 beach body program .. Anyone tried

I have heard this is a shorter more Intense version of the P90x and insanity program as its developed by the same creator. I have not done any of the programs but the T25 program peaked my I terest so some feedback would be helpful.


  • sylviaegashira
    sylviaegashira Posts: 7 Member
    my next door neighbor is a beachbody coach and sells shakeology and all the DVD workouts. She just started T25. She posted her results just after 1 week. she is very thin but didn't have a 6 pack.... you could see her 6 pack!!!! no joke. and i see her all the time. this is real. if you can get it, you will get results. my friend hates working out and she is doing this and is seeing results. good luck!
  • mtlegacy
    mtlegacy Posts: 16
    I've been doing T25 for 5 weeks now. It's not necessarily more intense than Insanity, but it really encourages you to focus on your form and specific muscle groups for 25 minutes straight -- no rest or water breaks. I recommend it.
  • smurfbaker
    smurfbaker Posts: 31 Member
    Is any additional equipment required in order to do the program ?
  • mtlegacy
    mtlegacy Posts: 16
    The base kit includes a set of 15 lb. resistance bands; you can use those or you can use your own free weights/bands during the appropriate Beta (Month 2) workouts.

    Also, I believe today is the last day they're offering free shipping on the T25 base kit. I thought I'd mention that in case you were planning on purchasing and wanted to save a few bucks.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i have it and just finished with week 1. i really like it and love the fact that it's just 25 min! It is intense no doubt and i have never done any intense programs before like insanity or p90x, etc so i can't compare to them. I am at goal weight and just trying to lose body fat, i didn't really see a change after week 1 and i don't expect to till i am a good 30 days into it.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Doing it currently and it is the best 25 minutes money can buy.
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    I have it and just finished week 1---so far I like it and Love that it does not take up a lot of time---Im currently using t 25 as my cardio and supreme 90 for my resistance---
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I've been doing T25 for 5 weeks now. It's not necessarily more intense than Insanity, but it really encourages you to focus on your form and specific muscle groups for 25 minutes straight -- no rest or water breaks. I recommend it.

    I just finished week 2 and I agree with this. (I did Insanity month 1 before T25). Following the T25 schedule (and tracking all of my calories), I've lost 4 pounds in the first 2 weeks. May not be a lot to some, but it's good for me. I was already eating well and doing Insanity before T25, so this shouldn't be that dramatic week 1 water loss like some people have when they start fresh. Loving this program!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I have been doing it for a week and half now and I feel stronger and leaner! Love it!
  • dderagon
    dderagon Posts: 1
    I just finished week two and have lost 7 lbs. and about 4 inches total on my body. It's a great workout, has modifications if you need them and really gets you sweating. I'm here for support.
  • nrivera83
    nrivera83 Posts: 3
    Focus T25 is no joke. I'm currently on week 3 on P90X and Focus T25 came in the mail and I had to try it out. So I just did Core Speed, and it kicked my butt. Yesterday I did P90X Kenpo X and then I did T25 Core speed. I had my heart rate monitor on for both sessions. I found out that my one hour of Kenpo X was just as equivalent to Core Speed, calorie burn wise. It was awesome.

  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I've incorporated it into my regiment, and usually I'll do two of the workouts back-to-back on the same night.
    Like nrivera83 said, it is no joke.

    When I get done with the first workout of my set, I'm already beat, but I still do a second...........and by the end of the second, I'm a puddle on the floor. As far as intensity, I'd put it up there with Insanity, but just below Asylum (Shaun T's other program series).
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Can anyone tell me if it's super monotonous like Insanity? I loved the intensity of Insanity but was bored to tears doing the same moves over and over again!
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i am on day 15 of T25 and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it! i can't say a enough great things about it. for one, it's 25 minutes. there really isn't a lot of time for monotony in 25 minutes. most of the work outs have a burnout phase, which does QUICKLY repeat several exercises, but again, it's 25 min. start to finish. there just isn't enough time to bore you. the moves are FAST, so your ability to work on and perfect each exercise is definitely there. i know for lower focus i have tons of room for improvement just in the balancing alone!

    i have a blog and a page on facebook, if you'd like to read a more in depth review. message me for links!! i am thrilled with it. i have a before and after of my abdomen after one week. i'm no where near flat stomached or six pack, but the smallering of my midsection is definitely noticeable. i think my favorite part of the program is that there really are NO excuses. it's 25 minutes. we can ALL find 25 min in our day. so, even when you don't want to work out, or it's feeling too hard, you realize just how little time you are spending doing it, and BOOM you're there!! there is a timer that counts down and just when you think you can't do anymore, you look at that little timer and see that there are only 9 minutes left and you realize you can do ANYTHING for 9 minutes ;-)
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    I've incorporated it into my regiment, and usually I'll do two of the workouts back-to-back on the same night.
    Like nrivera83 said, it is no joke.

    When I get done with the first workout of my set, I'm already beat, but I still do a second...........and by the end of the second, I'm a puddle on the floor. As far as intensity, I'd put it up there with Insanity, but just below Asylum (Shaun T's other program series).

    i usually do two work outs a night too. only I do Combat as my second work out. either one of the HIITS, or combat 30. something on the shorter side. makes for about 55 min. plus in one of those I still get to use my weights! so, i don't feel like i'm neglecting that part of my work outs either.