Life overhaul

shannonbear03 Posts: 5 Member
edited July 2017 in Motivation and Support
The short version:
1. Moved across the country
2. Took the summer off to enjoy life before I get a new job
3. Started an exercise routine 6x week
4. Switched to a vegan diet
5. Lost 8lbs my first 2 weeks (haven't lost anything since, but not giving up)

Didn't know if anyone was interested in being motivational buddies? I have never made friends easily as I'm somewhat shy and thought I'd at least put myself out here and see what happens.
Good luck everyone on your personal journey!


  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 184 Member
    Add me. Reevaluating life right now.
  • rachel_meyer
    rachel_meyer Posts: 4 Member
    Added you. Overhauling everything right now with a big job change and general life unhappiness.