Coming off of WW's and need some support

Hello there. I started WW's a year and a half ago. I lost 40 pounds in 7 months. I STILL BELIEVE IN THE PROGRAM AND WOULD STILL RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE! I hit a weight loss wall in November and started having some health issues. Fast forward, my weight was creeping up little by little. Like I said, I love the program and it does work! Hands down! But I went in for my last weigh in before I quit the program because of a bad experience. The woman who weighed me in made a rude comment to me. Something anyone would not expect or want to hear at a weight loss center. I knew I gained 2 pounds since the last time and told her I knew I gained. But even at age 45, it still hurts to be told your fat. I weighed in at 157 or something. I was always told i was fat when I wasn't as a child. All that negativity came back. I've allowed this insignificant person to get into my head. I am spiraling downward. I don't want to go back to what I was. My heaviest weight was 192. I got down to 152. I am now up to 170. I gave away my fat clothes. I'm coming back to myfitnesspal which I have tried before and I'm hoping I can find support here. I'm used to logging in food being on WW's. But i need accountability.


  • Don't let some woman's rude comment hurt you! What do you care about her anyway??? Do this for you, you've come so far, don't go back to those negative thoughts, replace them w/positive reinforcement. Tell yourself your proud of all the weight you lost! Add me as a friend, I need support too! Keep on w/your program.
  • deborahr59
    deborahr59 Posts: 11
    hi there

    I did WW's years ago and everyone was very supportive. My friend went to WW's a few months back and had exactly the same experience, so she started doing slimming world. I cant believe that someone would say your fat because you put a bit of weight back on. Being on myfitnesspal is so easy and the support is great. feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving WW, being a Lifetimember myself, how rude of the receptionist to say something negative :( she should be reported but If it was directed to me it would make want to get to my goal faster to prove myself that I can do it!!
    Anyways good luck on MFP I love what I learn from people here, but to me is much easier to count points ;)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I lost all my weight with WW. But at the time, lifetimers were charged for the online access. So I joined MFP to log my food.

    As far as your weight loss journey, you know how to do it. The fundamentals have not changed. Whether you log points or calories, the process is the same. Calories in/out, or points in /out.

    Continue the same healthy habits you learned in WW, eat healthy, log daily, weigh, and measure ALL food. Move daily!

    I have been maintaining for over 5 years now. My food choices, amounts, and exercise have not changed. It is a lifestyle change that must be continued, in order to lose, as well as keep it off.
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    Someone was rude to you so you quit?

    Get back up and carry on with things.
  • MandiK3
    MandiK3 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm sorry you had an experience like that. Feel free to add me if you wish I'm getting back at it I lost 75lbs gained 5 back getting life on track again and moving forward and downward!! not sure your preferences in 'friends' but I'm 28 love to laugh and a little more then a little sarcastic but full of love and support :D xoxx
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    I did WW's 2 years ago and lost 60 lbs. The program works but to me, its more focused on losing weight rather than eating healthy and losing weight. The only reason I stopped in the first place was I got pregnant. I tried joining in the beginning of the year and it was so expensive and I found this site. WW is easier than counting calories but in my opinion MFP is better for healthy eating and easy on the wallet. But if it works for you and you enjoy it, to hell with that rude person
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    What a B***h! I'm so sorry you had to deal with a moron!

    You are beautiful no matter what you weigh, but it's a matter of where you feel most comfortable with yourself in your own body. If you would like to lose a few pounds, I know you can do it. And good wishes on your journey there!

    By the way, positive affirmations and mindfulness or meditation can be helpful along the way.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Please don't punish yourself for the careless comment of an ignorant person. I'd be reporting her to her local supervisor and asking for an alternative club in your area if I were you. But now you are here why not stick at it with us and bank the weekly money you would otherwise have paid so you can blow it on a treat when you hit goal. You'll also have the satisfaction that the rude woman isn't getting another cent of your hard earned money!!
  • dta4ever
    dta4ever Posts: 27 Member
    I was successful with WW when I tried it. With me, however, it was more difficult tracking points than it is to track calories. I hated having to use my WW calculator to figure out the point value of the foods I was eating. But, WW works for some people. Just not me. As far as MFP, I think the community on here is GREAT! Besides, if someone is disrespectful to you on here, you can always delete them from your friends list! :-)
  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    It is completely unacceptable for any WW staff to have said such mean words to you. They are trained to support you, to be on your side and help you through the rough times. I too have had a similar experience, I found a new center to go to. But I soon left because I didn't feel like I was getting the support I needed. I found mfp and love it!
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I was successful at WW and even worked there for awhile before during and after my second child was born (well, not during the delivery - you know what I mean!) Understand that people who work there are people just like yourself - they have reached their goal weight and they are offered a job if they would like one.

    Yes, they get some special training, but mostly they are the same people they were when they were losing weight with all the emotional baggage etc. Training sessions were often held at a lunchtime and we were weighed in as part of our own employee WW meeting. Up and down the line waiting for the scale I would hear how people had starved themselves that day and previous days in order to have their weight down "at corporate". NOT HEALTHY

    If someone was rude to you, please understand that it has more to do with HER than you. She may even be gaining weight that she is not happy about. Often when we do not like someone, it is because we see in them things we don't like about ourselves.

    I left WW just like I left Overeaters Anonymous and an eating disorder support group because I finally realized I didn't want to deal with anyone else's baggage but my own. I hope you will use and even enjoy MyFitnessPal and get a lot out of it.

    Feel free to add me as a Friend! :glasses: