Feeling deflated!

BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
edited July 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 5ft 3in and I started out at 14st 11lbs 1 oz
I have lost 12 lbs exactly now in 5 week. Losing 2/3lbs per week. Eating at a deficit, I'm on a high protein diet, pretty much the same meals every day. I weigh everything.. This week I got so bored of the salads my dad advised me to swap out for Greek yoghurt and have more chicken and veg to replace the salads.. I having lost anything bar 4oz in 6 days. I don't understand, but put on 6oz throughout the week. It's making me miserable, the only things that have changed all week was lack of exercise and swapping out the tuna and egg salads.
I do a bit of weightlifting mainly for my top half every other day. So I'm maybe thinking it's because of the weightlifting.
Despite the scales putting me down, I'll never go back, even at my lowest I'm still happy the way I eat because it's kept me full unlike before. Someone please put a smile on my face :(

P.s i started using a body fat measure thingy on saturday so I know physically if I am losing weight even if the scales say differently :)


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Your body consists of many different things with different density, and some of it comes and goes periodically (water and waste), so your total body weight fluctuates naturally, and you can't always see a fat loss through those fluctuations. Measuring your body weight in ounces is maybe not soemthing you should focus on. Your loss has been good. If you have a calorie deficit, you will still lose, but your rate of loss will go down as you lose weight.

    Food variety is good for nutrition as well as motivation. Exactly what you eat isn't that important, but I would warn against getting burnt out on your diet. Enough protein is important, but a high protein diet is boring, as you have already noticed.
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    I really am hoping it's fluctuations, maybe I've lost more than I think and that's hiding it, I just wish I knew if I'm doing everything right for the weight loss, I must have been for losing what I have for the last month. I just worry too much I'm doing something wrong
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's normal to feel uncertain when you can't be sure, and weight loss is something you can't always see for sure on the scale from week to week. It takes several weeks to see the real trend. So it takes a lot of patience in addition to just trusting the process - weight loss is a mind game. But it's also a numbers game. But it's not magic. If you track your intake correctly, and hit your goal every day, after having set your calorie goal correctly, you can be sure you are losing weight - you can trust numbers in to correspond with numbers out - over time.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    6 days in the grand scheme of things is nothing, you actually are losing above average, so those numbers could be balancing out now. Just stay the course and keep logging
  • bray149
    bray149 Posts: 118 Member
    Everyone has listed all the factors that go in to seeing different weights on a scale at any given time. That is important. But the biggest thing you need to realize is at a certain point you are eating cleaner and exercising to be healthy and that is so much more than just weight loss. Your heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, muscles, joints, brain.....all of it is healthier and that is the real goal.