Hello there! I'm Looking for lasting weight loss

tcarmenjones Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello there! This is my first time posting and hope that you are well. july goal is 7-10 lbs and looking to stay motivated (I only 'drive by' weight loss, say hello to a slimmer me and then regain the same pounds). On my way to the gym now! Glad to know you all are out here!


  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey :smile:
    This is the best place to come for motivation, lord knows we all need it every now and then!
  • decemberg
    decemberg Posts: 26
    Life is a journey, not a destination :o) It has to be a lifestyle change not just a "diet".
  • Sherry44
    Sherry44 Posts: 26 Member
    Don't go on a fad diet that lets you only eat this or only eat that. Go on a diet (I hate the word diet so let's call it a lifestyle change) where you eat everything in moderation. If you don't like oatmeal then don't make yourself eat it, find a substitute that you like. If you finally want to keep these pounds off forever then whatever lifestyle change you make has to be for the rest of your life. When you decide to make a healthy change ask yourself if it's something you can do forever. If it isn't then find something else. Just because you make this lifestyle change doesn't mean you have to be unhappy.
    A touchy subject around here is how to handle desserts. My personal opinion is that there are two types of people when it comes to craving desserts: 1st person allows themselves to eat a small dessert, record it in their food diary and move on. 2nd person takes one bite and has to eat the whole pan so is better off not even taking the first bite. Don't completely deprive yourself, but depending on which category you fall in you should proceed with caution.
    My goal is to reach 170 pounds,but I think if I keep my healthy lifestyle going I will surpass that and be extra happy! Two things I've learned is that what you eat is far more important than exercise (although exercise is important too) and that your sodium intake is important to monitor & keep under your daily limit!
    Good luck! I hope you find a healthy balance that can help you lose your extra pounds forever!
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