My "Hi!" Post

enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
Today is day 26 of logging in so I figured now that I am starting to get a bit active on the MFP lists I'd say hi! so, Hi!

I'm 38, happily married, just trying to get my activity and fitness up so I can do a whole bunch of new things with my husband. We've been married for 2 years, together for 10 (today is our anniversary in fact) and we have two very sweet dogs and two not so sweet cats. In my previous life and younger years I was dancing 5-7 days a week for several hours a day and had a really bad relationship with food by not eating. Later, I lost a lot of weight and went to Europe to backpack to get over a crap marriage. Now I'm just lazy and unhealthy and trying to change my mindset.

I vlog almost daily and log my food daily (except this last weekend, which, lessons were learned). I've started a C25K and this is my week 2 (yay!). Mainly I am doing things incrementally, rather than cold turkey. I expect I will make mistakes and I'm trying to change the way I view setbacks - rather than give up keep pushing on.

I'm signed up for a Tough Mudder next June in Virginia so I have a few months to really get my strength and energy ready for this. My husband has done 4 or 5 and I got kind of bummed on his last one because I actually wanted to be out there *with* him as opposed to just cheering him on at the spectator spots. He is the best kind of inspiration because as he was helping me do my fitness selfies for those awkward before photos, he insisted on doing a pic of him and I together smiling. I really appreciate his cheerleading for me without judging me.

Anyway, I've made a few fitness friends on here with similar interests and all that and I'm super happy to see so many people that I can learn from. To your health!