Obese to A BEAST!!!

ygo2slow Posts: 3 Member
Welcome to the Obese to A BEAST challenge!!!

My goal is to lose 30 pounds in 4 months. I'm currently 193 pounds. Weight in will be once a week until November 31st. Feel free to post body fat %, BMI, waist, neck, chest, biceps and thigh measurements. I absolutely HATE spending time at the gym. I will be spending no more than 30 minutes a day working out, focusing mainly on my diet. I plan on doing a 20/4 IF bulletproof/slow carb mash up with cheat day being every Saturday. My workouts will consist of using a Kettle Bell M-W-F, and Push Up/Abs Tu-Th. Saturday and Sunday will be days off. Sunday I will focus on fasting the majority of the day to recover from my cheat day. I plan on eating the same foods over and over each day to keep it simple. My diet will be as follows:

-Wake up and have a glass of ice cold lemon water and 4 MCT oil pills.
-Bulletproof Coffee (Cafe Du Monde Coffee & Chicory and 1 tablespoon of Kerrygold unsalted butter)
-Water and unsweetened tea throughout the day. No caffeine after 2pm.
-3pm snack is a Steamable bag of veggies (broccoli & cauliflower OR green beans)
-7pm organic chicken breast cooked in Kerrygold unsalted butter seasoned with pink sea salt and pepper with broccoli.

-Wake up and have a glass of ice cold lemon water and 4 MCT oil pills.
-Bulletproof Coffee (Cafe Du Monde Coffee & Chicory and 1 tablespoon of Kerrygold unsalted butter)
-Water and unsweetened tea throughout the day. No caffeine after 2pm.
-3pm snack Wild Planet Sardines in EVOO
-7pm Grass fed organic beef cooked in kerrygold butter and seasoned with sea salt and pepper with olive oil and pepper baked Brussels sprouts.

Saturday is Cheat Day!!!!

Sunday will be a fasting day to recover from cheat day and prepare for the week.

However you chose to achieve your weight loss please post weekly updates along with what seems to be working for you. Together we can go from Obese to A BEAST!

6/31/17 :193 lbs. , 23.7% body fat