newbie tying to lose after quitting smoking 30 months ago.

Hi all been reading peoples stories on this site and has made me more determined to lose the weight.
Before i started with MFP I would skip breakfast have a fast food meal for lunch and snack through the rest of the day before bed.

Being a driver hasn't helped me but I'am not going to let it stop me , I started on Tuesday 23/07 which also happened to be my wedding anniversary. Everyday I've had a breakfast of cereal and for lunch I've been making my own salads or rice dishes, if I do have to eat out for lunch I'll watch what I'am buying.

I've not been going all rabbit and eating lettuce all day , I'am still eating normal food just not snacking between meals,no fizzy drinks at least 2 litres of water a day and have just started exercising at home.

i had a weigh in before i started and was in at just over 120kg which for a 36yr old at 6'4" I've been told I'am obese.
Had a sneeky look on the scales yesterday and was just under 119kg so hopefully all is going well.

My goal is to get to 90kg or around and tone up my stomach:smile: .
