Fat to fit, the journey continues (Ireland)

Hi all! I've started my weight loss/getting fit journey about two months ago, but a friend just introduced me to this site and app, so here I am!

I'm a 29 year old girl from Dublin (Ireland, not Ohio). My goals are getting strong and dropping weight, in that order. I have a busted knee and a dark sense of humour, love strength training and video games, and - well - not sure what else to add here, so if you're from around the area hit me up! Always glad to meet new people.


  • slimjimdavina
    slimjimdavina Posts: 22 Member
    Pleased to meetcha meow.
    Do you play the fiddle in an Irish Band? Do you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand?
    Just wondering...to be sure, to be sure!
    Hope you do fabulously well and that your knee recovers x