New to My Fitness Pal

Hello everyone!
I started my journey back on January 1, 2017 at 263 lbs. with a, seemingly, insurmountable weight loss goal of 60 lbs. by the end of August.
I joined Weight Watchers and have been following the program religiously since then (with the odd cheat day here and there) and am proud to say that, as of this morning, I have lost 60.3 lbs and am only 2.7 lbs. away from my goal with 1 month to go!
I spoke to a WW rep this morning about becoming a Lifetime member and was told that, in order to do so, I would have to pay MORE money to attend meetings (on top of my online membership fee per month I already pay) in order to do so. As you can imagine, that didn't sit well with me!
I'm not knocking WW as they have helped me immeasurably in attaining a healthier weight which was something I could never seem to do for very long myself. So, here I am!
My Fitness Pal seems to be every bit as good as WW as you are able to track everything you consume along with any activities you perform. I know there will be a bit of a learning curve but I'm stoked about it and am looking forward to furthering my journey, along with all of you, right here on MFP!
Keep on keeping on ya'll!


  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,426 Member
    What a great accomplishment. Congratulations!
  • londell16
    londell16 Posts: 19 Member
    Congrats on your weight lost!!! Welcome to MFP I hope it works for you and you get what you can out of it.
  • slimjimdavina
    slimjimdavina Posts: 22 Member
    That's great!
    Well done you x