PCOS- body image and food issues



  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Darling John. I've used science and got my life back. I got nowhere with the dinosaurs, As the professor of Immunology told me, your symptoms put you and those like you, pushing the cutting edge of scientific understanding and I went there.

    Don't you realise we have been continuing the debate which is going on in medicine right now. Science works in paradigms I wish yours would let others be heard. Western medicine now know antibiotics etc are a two edged sword they just won't accept the damage they do and have done changing the micro aspects of our health.

    My agenda. the hope that others can experience a similar restoration to health, as I am.

    Your attitude demeans women. Topic of my current post, is you demean women. telling them what not to read, you are not giving women the credit to decide for themselves. OP's topic asking for information.

    I accecp a persons right to read or not. Not that you have a right to say don't read this, because, I the man, have decided you are not capable of critical thought. I, the superior must do it for you.

    The best bit is you will not even read these people yourself because your mind is closed and would rather believe what others have written about these peoples works. Please tell me what precisely do you have difficulty with, please be specific. They have satisfied patients who have benefited from their advice, even advice to overcome an over stressed adrenal output caused by modern day life.

    In standing by the post with the links in, I show I have an enquiring mind, yours on the other hand is closed up tight.

    As I said before you and I will never see eye to eye. I at least give others the opportunity to use their freedom. I made the quote because like him and too many other men, you consider yourself superior to whom so ever you chose, particularly someone you assumed to be a weak and feeble female. I read these Doctors and many scientific papers from teaching hospitals and research institutions. I was determined to get my life back and I have. Had I had the misfortune to listen to you I'd probably be in my final resting place by now not having had the benefit of my, three score years and ten.

    I'll listen to you when you have something to say without shouting at me. I'm not the one shouting. The dying system shouts loudest.
  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    Don't you realise we have been continuing the debate which is going on in medicine right now. Science works in paradigms I wish yours would let others be heard. Western medicine now know antibiotics etc are a two edged sword they just won't accept the damage they do and have done changing the micro aspects of our health.

    My agenda. the hope that others can experience a similar restoration to health, as I am.
    What does this even mean???
    Your attitude demeans women. Topic of my current post, is you demean women. telling them what not to read, you are not giving women the credit to decide for themselves. OP's topic asking for information.
    Surprise, surprise. Another logical fallacy, in case you're not aware this an ad hominem. Look it up if you don't know what it is. Logical fallacies are most often used by those with poor debate skills, those with weak arguments, and those who have nothing to back up what they say. All three of those descriptions fit you perfectly.

    To the bolded:
    This is a complete fabrication, you are lying. You do realize that people can just go back through this thread and read what I wrote? You do realize that people will see that you are a liar? Now please point out where I was demeaning to women.
    I the man, have decided you are not capable of critical thought. I, the superior must do it for you.
    This statement is priceless, pure gold. You look up to mercola, kreeser, hedberg, and believe in adrenal fatigue, yet I'm the one who is not capable of critical though. That's hilarious.
    The best bit is you will not even read these people yourself because your mind is closed and would rather believe what others have written about these peoples works. Please tell me what precisely do you have difficulty with, please be specific.
    They are quacks, I have seen enough of their pseudoscience and fearmongering, so I don't need to read their nonsense and BS. You ask me to be specific, ok, i'll play along. But first I asked your earlier to clarify something, and of course you ignored. I'll repost it:
    But please, humor us, what exactly in Functional medicine is on the cutting edge. Be specific, with proper citaations. I'm sure you'll have excuses why you can't.

    I'll be very specific, and there are literally hundreds of examples I can give, but here are two:
    Kresser thinks adrenal fatigue exists, even though it doesnt.

    Mercola believes in the scientifically unspported idea of dental amalgam filling causing health problems.

    Now, you be specific with your responses. No logical fallacies, no incoherent, meaningless ramblings. Bring actual data to support what you believe, if you are that superior to me you should be to easily prove it.
    In standing by the post with the links in, I show I have an enquiring mind, yours on the other hand is closed up tight.
    I think the vast majority of people who read this can see that you are living in a dream world.
    As I said before you and I will never see eye to eye. I at least give others the opportunity to use their freedom. I made the quote because like him and too many other men, you consider yourself superior to whom so ever you chose, particularly someone you assumed to be a weak and feeble female.I read these Doctors and many scientific papers from teaching hospitals and research institutions. I was determined to get my life back and I have. Had I had the misfortune to listen to you I'd probably be in my final resting place by now not having had the benefit of my, three score years and ten.
    Again, what are you talking about?
    To the bolded:
    I am not a goverment entity so I can not affect anyone's freedom.
    I in no way shape or form do I consider myself superior to anyone, please give an example where I showed that to be the case, be specific.
    I consider no one to weak or feeble, please give an example where I showed that to be the case, be specific.
    I'll listen to you when you have something to say without shouting at me. I'm not the one shouting. The dying system shouts loudest.
    Again, what are you referring to? Please try to stay on topic and make some sort of sense.

    So I gave you 2 examples like you asked for. If you actually respond, please stay on topic.

    And since I responded to your request please respond to mine:

    What exactly in Functional medicine is on the cutting edge? Be specific, with proper citations.
    How was I demeaning to women? be specific.
    How do I consider myself superior to anyone, please give an example where I showed that to be the case, be specific.
    How do I consider no one to weak or feeble, please give an example where I showed that to be the case, be specific.

    My prediction is that you will address nothing here and just go on some long winded rambling rant. You made the claim that you are superior to me, now prove it. Let's see what you got.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    edited August 2017
    John... Your very first post on this thread, ignorr these links............. Many have found them helpful, some of these ladies could too.

    I'm saying I'm open to what I read, you on the other hand give me the impression you are not. I'm not convinced you have read the Kresser article beyond the title.

    Kresser, is saying pressures of our modern world is creating issues between endocrine glands giving rise to symptoms. Adrenal fatigue is shorthand for a past understanding and I held to it. HPA axis D, the hypothalamus, pituitary and the adrenal dysfunction is how he prefers it be referred to. In your, link the original link, he says you can find 1800 research items.

    Mercola is saying nothing new in that item, it was given as advice to hypothyroid patients back, mid 20thc.

    Please, just read the articles in full rather than stop where they lay out the general arguments before going on to the science and conclusion. Stick with it to the end and learn something.


    BTW - You are shouting again. Your posts come over to me as domineering and say to me, "how dare someone disagree with me", meaning your good self.
  • johnwelk
    johnwelk Posts: 396 Member
    edited August 2017
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    John... Your very first post on this thread, ignorr these links............. Many have found them helpful, some of these ladies could too.
    Highly doubtful anyone would find them helpful as they are complete BS. Pure pseudoscience, total nonsense.
    I'm saying I'm open to what I read, you on the other hand give me the impression you are not. I'm not convinced you have read the Kresser article beyond the title.
    No, you're only open to what agrees with your outrageously ridiculous narrative, nothing else. I'm open to anything, as long as it is backed by science. You have produced nothing to convince me that you even remotely know what science is. What in the world make you think I have not read the kresser article? No need to answer, I'll do it for you. It's because it's a convenient way for you to avoid a debate that you will lose. It's called handwaving, it's a logical fallacy, something that you seem to be an expert in.
    Kresser, is saying pressures of our modern world is creating issues between endocrine glands giving rise to symptoms. Adrenal fatigue is shorthand for a past understanding and I held to it. HPA axis D, the hypothalamus, pituitary and the adrenal dysfunction is how he prefers it be referred to. In your, link the original link, he says you can find 1800 research items.
    You asked for a specific example, I gave you one. I asked for actual data to back up what you say, your response is nonsensical.
    Mercola is saying nothing new in that item, it was given as advice to hypothyroid patients back, mid 20thc.
    Again, you asked for a specific example, I gave you one. I also asked for a response that would include data to support your statement. Your response pathetic, but what else could we expect from you.

    Are these two responses the best you can come up with? You are seriously out of your league.
    Please, just read the articles in full rather than stop where they lay out the general arguments before going on to the science and conclusion. Stick with it to the end and learn something.
    Again, handwaving. Saying I haven't read the article is a convenient way for you to avoid the fact that you have nothing to offer. There is no science in those articles. There is no evidence whatsoever that adrenal fatigue is a real disease, none, zilch, nada, zero.

    BTW - You are shouting again. Your posts come over to me as domineering and say to me, "how dare someone disagree with me", meaning your good self.
    Cut it out. How am i shouting? I am not using all caps, which would represent shouting. You need to get thicker skin.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    OP, I also have PCOS with IR, as well as hypothyroid. I've had low/lowish carb suggested to me by my endocrinologist as well as an RD. I wish I'd been ready for it much sooner, because it's actually been pretty helpful in managing my symptoms. I skew my macros toward a lower carb (under 150), higher fat, moderate protein balance and that helps keep my appetite under control. More carbs--whether from fruit, whole grains, or processed pasta--does awaken the hangry beast and my blood sugar gets unhappy. I'm not unhappy eating lower carb, either, so I'm not too worried about maintaining it as a lifestyle when the weight's all gone. It's still a fairly slow process for weight loss, but progress is progress.

    One thing worth considering is that the possibly sole upside of hormone shitshow is that PCOS women have the potential to be beasts in the weight room. Our higher testosterone levels give us a small advantage over non-PCOS women when it comes to building strength. It may even be helpful with recomposition, since that involves building muscle. I don't know if you like lifting weights, but I enjoy it quite a bit and I like feeling like a badass when I lift my bodyweight and more.
  • Raegold
    Raegold Posts: 191 Member
    OP, I also have PCOS with IR, as well as hypothyroid. I've had low/lowish carb suggested to me by my endocrinologist as well as an RD. I wish I'd been ready for it much sooner, because it's actually been pretty helpful in managing my symptoms. I skew my macros toward a lower carb (under 150), higher fat, moderate protein balance and that helps keep my appetite under control. More carbs--whether from fruit, whole grains, or processed pasta--does awaken the hangry beast and my blood sugar gets unhappy. I'm not unhappy eating lower carb, either, so I'm not too worried about maintaining it as a lifestyle when the weight's all gone. It's still a fairly slow process for weight loss, but progress is progress.

    One thing worth considering is that the possibly sole upside of hormone shitshow is that PCOS women have the potential to be beasts in the weight room. Our higher testosterone levels give us a small advantage over non-PCOS women when it comes to building strength. It may even be helpful with recomposition, since that involves building muscle. I don't know if you like lifting weights, but I enjoy it quite a bit and I like feeling like a badass when I lift my bodyweight and more.

    I didn't consider that aspect, that's a cool way to think about it! I actually just started Strong Curves, and I'm really enjoying lifting heavier!