Stress lead to weight gain...

Hi there....I am Lori. My husband and I went on a trip to Mexico in March....and I was so motivated to wear a bikini for that trip. I did it and was down the my lowest weight since my wedding in 1999. Yay for me!

However, in March my mom also had a catastrophic stroke. So, we went through rehab, a terrible decline in overall health, a turn of events, a move to a major rehab facility (which thankfully was much closer to me), two surgeries, pneumonia and eventually Hospice and her death in May. I quickly learned that while some people 'forget to eat' during these stressful times, that was not the case for me.

Since March, I have gained 16 pounds! I miss my mom every day and I am disgusted with my body as I just feel so uncomfortable in all of my clothes.

I am a 46 year old school speech language pathologist who is the mom of two teenagers. I look forward to going back to school in a couple of weeks because I know that I will be forced to be more active then and I would have quick access to my refrigerator and pantry! :D

I would love to find some support on this site! I used MyFitnessPal several years ago....and am hoping to find success with it again.



  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 448 Member
    So sorry to hear about your mom. I too am a stress eater. I think you will miss your mom forever, I miss mine. Hopefully the stress is going down. I hope going back to work helps you add structure to your snacking. Good luck.
  • goldiejdb
    goldiejdb Posts: 63 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My mom passed away as well when I was 23, I'm 29 now &
    It's been rough. I'm also a stress eater. Keeping active helps a lot & if you do find yourself wanting to nibble on something let it be veggies or fruits